Montana Rancher Crazy Behavior


Jul 1, 2019
I was recently in Montana hunting mule deer and came across some very odd and crazy behavior from a local rancher. I can’t for the life of me figure out what he was trying to do. Maybe you all can figure it out:

I was set up on a buck on a section of BLM land. This was probably 300 yards from the road and across the road was private and the rancher was breaking ice for cattle. The hunt quickly ended when we bumped the buck and he and the doe he was with ran around the back of the hill and across the road to the piece that the rancher was on.

We quickly turned around and headed back to the truck, thinking our stalk was over. When we got in the truck we drove maybe 100ft and stopped to glass the deer to double check that they were the ones we just bumped.
Just then, we caught a flash of a four wheeler hauling through the field at an extremely high rate of speed. The rancher had left his cattle and was heading directly for the deer. As soon as they spooked and crossed the fence onto more private the rancher did a sharp u-turn and sped straight for us. (the deer eventually ran back across the road again) The rancher was traveling so fast up to the fence that met the road that I thought he had a gate open and was about to try and cut us off or something. He got to the edge of the fence and slammed on his brakes like he wanted to talk. He was probably 30 yards from us and he just held up his hand and waved with a huge weird smile. Then he sped off again at an extremely high speed for the middle of a field.
My buddy and I were trying to figure out what in the world his deal was. Do you think he didn’t want us even looking to confirm the deer? Did he think we were poaching? Was he trying to get them back into public for us? Was he just being a weird butthole about people hunting public close to his cattle??
He was driving the four wheeler at a speed that we both thought was erratic and violent. It seemed like 60 or 70mph through a field full of prairie dog holes. Not on a road or anything. Just seemed weird to do that and then speed off
I was recently in Montana hunting mule deer and came across some very odd and crazy behavior from a local rancher. I can’t for the life of me figure out what he was trying to do. Maybe you all can figure it out:

I was set up on a buck on a section of BLM land. This was probably 300 yards from the road and across the road was private and the rancher was breaking ice for cattle. The hunt quickly ended when we bumped the buck and he and the doe he was with ran around the back of the hill and across the road to the piece that the rancher was on.

We quickly turned around and headed back to the truck, thinking our stalk was over. When we got in the truck we drove maybe 100ft and stopped to glass the deer to double check that they were the ones we just bumped.
Just then, we caught a flash of a four wheeler hauling through the field at an extremely high rate of speed. The rancher had left his cattle and was heading directly for the deer. As soon as they spooked and crossed the fence onto more private the rancher did a sharp u-turn and sped straight for us. (the deer eventually ran back across the road again) The rancher was traveling so fast up to the fence that met the road that I thought he had a gate open and was about to try and cut us off or something. He got to the edge of the fence and slammed on his brakes like he wanted to talk. He was probably 30 yards from us and he just held up his hand and waved with a huge weird smile. Then he sped off again at an extremely high speed for the middle of a field.
My buddy and I were trying to figure out what in the world his deal was. Do you think he didn’t want us even looking to confirm the deer? Did he think we were poaching? Was he trying to get them back into public for us? Was he just being a weird butthole about people hunting public close to his cattle??
Welcome to hunt talk!
I bet he was trying to run them back to you guys. Having been around many ranchers the zooming around on a wheeler doesn’t sound that odd.
He was thinking he was pushing the deer further into private. The smile and wave was his way of saying F.U. Trust me, I know.
One of these and probably the FU one.
That wasn't very nice of you, maybe you should invite @Skynard back out to have another crack at that buck?
I would but he would have many more of the same experiences hunting with me. Probably with the landowner being more direct with their intentions.
I do believe all of the above apply. He was pushing the deer and maybe just for faaks sake. He was gakked out and I believe you found him at the pinnacle of his speedball where meth and fentanyl hit apex. If it was purely meth then I’d think more aggression would be displayed. The maniacal wave smile was most certainly faak you. And now you see? This is why they got rid of three wheelers.
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Must of been wearing your flatbrim huh?

I see a lot of crazy behavior like that cuz I’m usually dressed like this

My friends and family have a much easier time getting hunting permission from ranch owners because they all dress like this…


Bring a change of shoes and wear your cowboy hat next time. Good luck! 😊
Was there a hay pile near by? Could he have possibly been chasing the deer away from it? Mule deer ruin a lot of rancher hay by wizing on it to mark their territory.
Interestingly I heard of a rancher up by Lost River WMA holding two hunters hostage in their basement for encroaching mistakenly on a corner of the property.
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