Kenetrek Boots

Montana Public Lands Rally


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2014
Glasgow, MT
WHO: The Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana Wilderness Association, Outdoor Alliance, and Montana Conservation Voters are hosting a Public Lands Rally.
WHAT: To make a statement to the Montana Legislature to Keep Public Lands in Public Hands.
WHERE: 1301 E. 6th Ave, Helena, Montana. Capitol Rotunda.
WHEN: Monday, January 30th. 12:00 Noon.

Speakers at the rally will include Governor Steve Bullock, mountaineering legend Conrad Anker, fly fishing guide and TV host Hilary Hutcheson, and K.C. Walsh, CEO of Simms fishing company.

To RSVP to the rally and see about carpooling or providing a possible ride go to..
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I'll be there. Hopefully voters will get their shit together someday and elect the right (correct) people so these rally's become unnecessary?
Bump for this.

GIven the direction congress is already headed and our own state legislature being in session, sportsmen and women need to show up and be counted once again.

Le'ts shake the foundation one more time.

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Pretty sure I'm going to be bringing my kids down for a civics lesson. Part of the advantage of being home-schooled!
FYI: All signs must be hand held and NOT affixed to a stick. Security got a little nervous last session due to the volume.
Ok. I'm in. I hold a great interest in this aspect along with a great many of us here.

What the flying F#@k!?!?!!! $3240 for a round trip flight Jan 29 return Jan 31??? FCA to HLN! :W: Non Stop... Amazing! Delta skymiles are a no go for either. Hmmm...

Anyone fly small aircraft that would like to split fuel cost in the Flathead area?

Couple Q's...

Any HT / BHA specific hotel chosen? Dinner location, Micro Brew location? Any plans I can self invite into? :D
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Good to see folks on here stepping up yet again. It's gonna take a lot of us showing and speaking up to get the message through their cement skulls.
Dr. Martin Luther King JR. had a great quote which, I think, is applicable to this issue....

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

Couple Q's...

Any HT / BHA specific hotel chosen? Dinner location, Micro Brew location? Any plans I can self invite into? :D

Don't know about a specific hotel, but a get together for Hunt Talkers isn't a bad idea if folks are going to be around for the evening. If folks are interested, speak up. If we hit critical mass, I'll see if we can figure something out.
I would be interested in getting together with some HT'ers. I will be headed home right after the rally though since the wife has to work Tuesday.
I'm unable to make it. I've been ill the past few days. With that I've been unable to take care of a few pressing house/family needs. Unfortunate but that's life.

Give 'em hell!
Don't know about a specific hotel, but a get together for Hunt Talkers isn't a bad idea if folks are going to be around for the evening. If folks are interested, speak up. If we hit critical mass, I'll see if we can figure something out.

I'll be there with two folks riding with me.
6'3", BHA "Public Land Owner" sweatshirt and orange PLWA cap wearing, pissed off and somewhat unapproachable looking....... that'd be me. I may be accompanied by my wife, she's taken more critters from Montana's public lands than a lotta guys on here - and she smiles a lot??
Stop and say hi........
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I'd like to meet up with fellow Hunt Talkers if possible. Bring your citation and I'll autograph it.
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