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Montana preference point question

I cannot believe anybody thought this was a good idea. I guess if it brings in significant revenue maybe. The part I just read that really seems like it will break the system is that the bonus points never expire no matter if the hunter quits applying or not. I liked the two year break with the points being lost on the third year. That allowed you to draw a permit that required first choice selection while keeping your points but also eliminated a fair amount of points that missed the three years. The current system will have points stored for people that have quit hunting long ago or maybe have never hunted. I know FWP didn't implement this but they couldn't get the draw right this year how are they going to get it right when they are sorting through bonus points for people that may not even be living. On a positive note should my 6 month old twins ever want to hunt sheep they should have as good a chance as anybody in their age class.
Maybe a dumb question, but I'm really only interested in someday hunting some of the limited permit elk areas. Do I need to buy both a bonus point (for the limited permit) and a preference point (to ensure I even draw a license at all)?
Don't know if it's needed, but that's what I do. I've not drawn the combo in the past (before the change) so always do both. I'll be hunting a bull in the Breaks this year... :eek:
Brachii, Montana has a different system than most states. First, there is the straight forward license that allows you to hunt most, but not all of the state. The preference points are to ensure you get a license, but to my knowledge, the big game combo license has never sold out since Montana switched to the current system, so most people do not buy them. Once you have your license, a permit allows you to hunt a specific, limited access area (in addition to the areas allowed under your license). Bonus points go towards the permits, which is what most of this discussion is about.

The elk/deer combinations and the deer combinations sold out this year. There were people who applied and didn't get them. There are elk combinations leftover.
Just talked with FWP Licensing in Helena. There is no age restriction on youth and bonus points. As soon as they are born they can start buying points.

Kerry White has no firing brain cells.

To be clear "they" aren't allowing anything. This is law, passed by the 3 month, every other year in Helena, wildlife managers.

Just met with Hank Worsech FWP license bureau chief - FWP system is not set up to handle kids less than 1 year so no bonus points for my 7 month old kids. Unless I can find a way to force the issue. Hank was very supportive of the bill and helped write it. This bill was according to Hank mostly drafted by FWP and not forced on them. That said I don't disagree with your premise Tjones legislating wildlife management is asinine.
I have heard and still hearing different, not doubting you at all JBS just other info floating around.

Also Hank should probably will the folks answering the phone over there on this. Not surprising I guess considering how smooth the draw went this year.

That said it is still a crappy bill which is now law.

Thanks for the insight JBS.
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Where's the suggestion box? I have an idea that'll help super-charge the point creep. How 'bout a lifetime MT license that keeps you in the resident pool even if you move? And why not offer it to those who qualify for the Come Home to Hunt and MT Native Licenses? That would raise some money. I know I'd buy one.:rolleyes:
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Well I bought a pref point cuz I want a NR big game combo next year too . I figure that should give me near %100 chance of drawing
Still not able to buy my 8 year old son points. We are non-res, wonder if that makes a difference?
Still not able to buy my 8 year old son points. We are non-res, wonder if that makes a difference?

It shouldn't. I was on the phone with them yesterday and they said it was a "system problem" but they corrected it. It does now work for my son. Maybe give them a call if you want to buy your son a point.
Just checked again and they must've "corrected" the system. Hope he thanks me someday.
Where's the suggestion box? I have an idea that'll help super-charge the point creep. How 'bout a lifetime MT license that keeps you in the resident pool even if you move? And why not offer it to those who qualify for the Come Home to Hunt and MT Native Licenses? That would raise some money. I know I'd buy one.:rolleyes:

I know if they offerred a Montana Native lifetime license, I would be all over it. I like the way Arizona's system is setup. Revenue from lifetime licenses goes into a permanent fund and only the interest is used. Establishing a quasi-wildlife monetary trust or endowment.
Well I bought a pref point cuz I want a NR big game combo next year too . I figure that should give me near %100 chance of drawing

Yes it will be 100% for you next year, can't imagine 17,000 people buying a point. Others have mentioned that tags never sell out, but that is not true anymore. Big Game combo (which is an elk and deer tag) as well as the deer combo all had more applicants than tags available. The elk only combo tag also had higher applicaiton numbers but there are still a few left at the moment.
Anyone have any predictions on how the big game combo license is gonna shake out? I know they sold out this year. Are there any stats yet on successful vs non-successful? Correct me if I am wrong but first you must draw the Big game combo, THEN the special unit tags. I thought I heard rumblings of guys drawing the special unit tags this year but not the big game combo. Anyone know how all that played out?
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