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Montana or Wyoming

Still haven't decided were yet. Not in a huge hurry, we are looking at next spring. Need to take a couple road trips.

Right now we are kind of looking at Lander/Riverton Wy.

I'm easy to please, it's the wife I got to work around
man they can be a pain in the a$$
She doesn't want to get too far from family wich are here in Utah. Me on the other hand, Get me the hell outta here!!!

As far as work, I have a construction background. From excavation, cement work, framing, finish.
Sheet metal work, erecting and repairing gas station canopies and awnings.
I have an intreset in firefighting or police work too.
LMAO Weekend Warrior...That is a very pretty picture you paint of the area...LOL....
Anaconda isn't to bad if you don't mind a lot of retirees...
It is kinda centralized for a lot of cross country hiking into areas with quite a bit of game. If you guy's come in this direction for a look see, let me know, it is only a day's drive to Utah and Bozman, Missoula, Helena are only a hundred miles in any direction, if you want to run over and see them...
I left Powell, Wyoming right out of high school. Zero opportunities for non-Mormans.

Cody is about 40 miles away from Powell. My Aunt and Uncle struggled with their motel and restraunt from December 1 thru June 1st. Its a tourist town and that's the way it is. Nurses do okay. So do school teachers. But available jobs are not exactly abundant.

Casper is a windy city. If you don't care for howling wind storms, stay outta Casper. I went to Casper College for a two year Associate Degree. They can have windy Casper.

Laramie is a college town with a stable economy. Excellent hunting nearby. But its a higher elevation and can be downright cold after dark - even in July.

I'ved lived in western South Dakota since 1994. Spearfish and Rapid City are genuine western towns with many job opportunties. Although I dearly love Wyoming, I can make a better living here on the South Dakota side of the Black Hills. I hunt elk in north-east Crook County, Wyoming which is about 90 miles from my doorstep.

Chadron and Crawford, Nebraska are two other non-Wyoming towns I like very much. Bowman, North Dakota is also quite liveable with many antelope and mulies.

Bozeman, MT has way over-priced housing and an ever growing liberal Californian population. Billings is a refinery town and not for me. Great Falls economy is heavily based upon the USAF base there. All sorts of opportunities for a clever fellow with marketable skills.

Hope this is helpful.
Well, if you want to work, stay out of Great Falls. I'm Air Force, and though I like MT, I'd like to leave GF ASAP! I saw some statistics a while back about MT being the lowest paying state in the nation, and GF being the lowest paying city in the state. If I was retired, I'd move some where near Lincoln, MT. To me, that is a beautiful area. If I was to move any where else, I'd like to go to Wyoming. Since the wife can't stand the cold weather, I guess we'll be going back to the south as soon as I get out. At least I know of some damn good hunting places I can return to and hunt when I leave.
