Montana nonresident spring turkey and black bear hunting suspended

I saw comments online today of Montana residents cheering this in the name of “nonresidents suck anyway” attitudes. I think that is selfish and shortsighted for a lot of reasons, and if I believed in karma I would be nervous.

There’s a logical next step if the situation gets worse, and it’s very capable of shattering glass houses. I am moderately optimistic it won’t get to that point, but I can’t help but feel bad for the guy who lives in some godforsaken place, like Chicago, who’s been looking forward to spring bear in Montana for the last year. Who has spent the last month and a half trapped indoors with his kids and wife, and now will continue to do so.
I dont give a rat's ass about outfitters.
Far as I am concerned non residents shouldn't be fishing here either.
As for the comment that Bozangelos is every bit a threat as non residents for the spread of 19...spare me. People are desperate to bail out of their hotspot and hide in Montana...part of the problem in Bozo.
Call me a dick. Rather ironic the state rolled to the outfitters with regards to the Madison river the worm has turned.
Boo hoo.
I bet the outfitters are thrilled.

This will be a big problem in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba... Most bear outfitters rely on American clients more than Canadian residents. Keeping the border closed for an extended period of time will hurt everyone and it might have a HUGE impact in places like BC where outfitters buy the "rights" and tags to their hunting grounds. These outfitters might have to close up shop and the highest bidder may very well be Anti-Hunting groups.
It's the single most confusing statement. What is considered self quarantining?
Haha I have no idea! I'm guessing get groceries before getting to Montana, don't go to restaurants/bars, minimize interaction with MT residents. Obviously, getting gas is going to be an exception. That's my best guess and what my group will follow.
Haha I have no idea! I'm guessing get groceries before getting to Montana, don't go to restaurants/bars, minimize interaction with MT residents. Obviously, getting gas is going to be an exception. That's my best guess and what my group will follow.
Yeah sure as hell couldnt drive across the state without getting gas. Lol
I talked to a lady at HQ...shes as confused as you would expect....rented a little cabin this year. Owner promised he would not turn me in.
I'll just pay at the pump and stay on the hill as much as I can
I talked to a lady at HQ...shes as confused as you would expect....rented a little cabin this year. Owner promised he would not turn me in.
I'll just pay at the pump and stay on the hill as much as I can
Yeah I have been waiting to book a place to see what's going on. Hopefully I can find something. If you dont mind me asking when and what area you planning on going?
I talked to a lady at HQ...shes as confused as you would expect....rented a little cabin this year. Owner promised he would not turn me in.
I'll just pay at the pump and stay on the hill as much as I can
We had a FS cabin booked. But that is closed now until June 30 or until rescinded.
Quarantine rules are being issued by county Health Officers, so are probably different depending on where you go. My county basically says you must remain indoors, not interact with anyone and must arrange for delivery of essential items if someone can’t go get them for you. You may not enter businesses or interact with individuals. But, I see today that this order will expire on May 4. So maybe quarantine will be going away soon, at least here?
So can we go to Montana and hunt if we stay in the hills and only come out for fuel? I’m as confused as a transgender
So can we go to Montana and hunt if we stay in the hills and only come out for fuel? I’m as confused as a transgender
Kinda. Technically, any person coming into Montana has to self quarantine for 14 days. I'm only speaking for my group, but we will only be stopping for fuel in Montana to abide by this "law"
Actually I did some more research and you are not allowed to leave the residence you are staying at for any reason other than medical attention. Outdoor recreation is explicitly in violation.Screenshot_20200505-222423_Yahoo Mail.jpg
So they want us to hole up in a hotel for 14 days with food being delivered to us, but not go into the woods for fear of contamination. Yet they are still selling non res tags???
So they want us to hole up in a hotel for 14 days with food being delivered to us, but not go into the woods for fear of contamination. Yet they are still selling non res tags???
Yeah. I guess they only want retirees or single guys willing to use all their vacation. Lol
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