Montana new guy.


Active member
Jul 11, 2023
Hello to all from south west Montana. I'm a retired Army Vet (31 years). I mostly hunt birds but also try my hand at big game. I have 2 Deutsch Drahthaars (German wirehairs) and a Teckel (wirehair dachshund). The Drahts are tested in the German testing system. Additionally provide a service of blood tracking big game for others. The Teckel is actually the best blood tracker and we've recovered 2 elk and 2 deer for hunters. If anyone wants my contact info for blood tracking you can PM me or look me up on the "United Blood Trackers" site.
Hello to all from south west Montana. I'm a retired Army Vet (31 years). I mostly hunt birds but also try my hand at big game. I have 2 Deutsch Drahthaars (German wirehairs) and a Teckel (wirehair dachshund). The Drahts are tested in the German testing system. Additionally provide a service of blood tracking big game for others. The Teckel is actually the best blood tracker and we've recovered 2 elk and 2 deer for hunters. If anyone wants my contact info for blood tracking you can PM me or look me up on the "United Blood Trackers" site.
These are what the Python Cowboy uses in Florida to locate pythons and retrieve iguanas. Pretty cool and seem very well trained dogs but he made the distinction of the drahtaars. Welcome to Hunt Talk!
Welcome to HT, also in SW Montana. I will keep you in mind if I should ever need such a service!
Hello to all from south west Montana. I'm a retired Army Vet (31 years). I mostly hunt birds but also try my hand at big game. I have 2 Deutsch Drahthaars (German wirehairs) and a Teckel (wirehair dachshund). The Drahts are tested in the German testing system. Additionally provide a service of blood tracking big game for others. The Teckel is actually the best blood tracker and we've recovered 2 elk and 2 deer for hunters. If anyone wants my contact info for blood tracking you can PM me or look me up on the "United Blood Trackers" site.
Thank you for our freedom and sacrifice.