
Montana Muzzleloader seasons 2021

I’m in full agreement with pick your weapon and district. Not the option of hunting 6 weeks of archery with a bow that can shoot 60 yards and 5 weeks of rifle with a 300 RUM (no offense intended mtmuley). I’ve found a lot of blood trails in the snow from haphazard rifle shots that were never followed up.

On another topic, Anyone else looking forward to the spring bear season with hounds??? I got another Leopard Hound pup coming in mid November….. Enjoy your season
Ive decided, just this moment, I am going to put it onto a stump out back, secure it firmly and soundly, attach string to trigger, then discharge while standing well away into earthen bank near stump in the hopes it clears.

Pray for me.
I think a ball puller would probably be a safer option and potentially less expensive, but if your committed to your solution I’m definitely interested to hear about the outcome.
I'm a fan of pick your poison, you wanna hunt early archery that's it, you wanna hunt late muzzleloader that's it. You wanna hunt region 6 that doesn't give you the opportunity to hunt region 7 too.
That would be great if MTFWP decided to structure seasons that way. I personally would be more inclined to apply for and hunt a late flinchlock season instead of a rifle hunt any day especially if it was limited entry.
On the other hand I could imagine an overwhelming amount of yuppies out there with their smoke poles throwing round balls and making a real mess of it.
What's the difference between that and all the dipshits that lob 85 yard arrow shots because they can't close the distance
Very true. That and the jackasses with a rifle who intentionally create more distance between themselves and the animal just so they can say they are “long range” hunters.
I guess every season always has a certain amount of idiots who give it a black eye.
I think a ball puller would probably be a safer option and potentially less expensive, but if your committed to your solution I’m definitely interested to hear about the outcome.
Those ball pullers have a 50/50 chance to either fix the issue or make the situation worse (way worse). I will let everyone know how this works out for me.
And now I can’t find my tin of caps. The one I used was from my extra round/patch kit I carry when I hunt.

And of course the sporting goods store in town has been wiped out of black powder supplies thanks to the new season. I swear in the past I was literally the only person that even bought any of that stuff.

Going to rip the gear closet apart to find it. Does might get an extra day or reprieve.

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