Montana Muzzleloader season bill

For the sake of clarity, which group or party initiated the change from the season dates proposed in the original bill?
Unfortunately I cannot answer that question, however I am sure that if you message the email listed at the bottom of the email posting I provided they would be more than willing to discuss with you. Sorry I can't answer your question or give you more details.
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From an outsider perspective (not a MT resident), it seems crazy to make MT firearms season even longer than it already is. But hey states get to manage wildlife how they see fit.......
From an outsider perspective (not a MT resident), it seems crazy to make MT firearms season even longer than it already is. But hey states get to manage wildlife how they see fit.......
Yeh well Montana Fwp couldn’t manage a 1 car parade ... there’s no management here at all .. they have 2 things on the brain . $ and opportunity
Let's not give the MT Legislature the idea of snaring elk.
"Ravalli county congressman introduces, 'primitive' rop'n season Feb 15 - May31"

"I see an elk out there standing on my land, and I say to my self, that's an elk that should be dead, uh I mean we have such abundant herds, and we really aren't giving a fair opportunity to those who want to hunt elk with a rope."

"I really hope this pass this session, and next session, I am hoping that congress will consider my bill HR 420, Persistence Season, which will open up June- Aug for persistence hunters, I'm really happy with the first draft of the bill and I think it really looks out for the old generations who can't persistence hunt like they used to, specifically I have a provision for a MD's note that will allow the use of RZRs and helicopters."

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Yeh well Montana Fwp couldn’t manage a 1 car parade ... there’s no management here at all .. they have 2 things on the brain . $ and opportunity
Don't shit yourself 8ball your gonna be the first one in line come December 1 "looking for a quality wounded management buck."

Probably looking up the smoke poles at this very moment......
Don't shit yourself 8ball your gonna be the first one in line come December 1 "looking for a quality wounded management buck."

Probably looking up the smoke poles at this very moment......
No . I won’t buy another muzzleloader, I have 3 but they are all in line . I may never shoot another buck in Montana . I’ll probably keep applying for the big game combo just cuz it’s a better draw than elk combo until I draw a elk permit but after that if I come out to my friends ranch I’ll buy some b tags
I really hope that I'm missing something, and that no one's talking about this because there's a reason it won't go through that I don't know about.

Otherwise I'm at a complete loss.
Maybe there's something I'm missing myself then
Asking “what’s the best muzzleloader for December elk in Montana” would probably get better results.
Here's your new Montana Big Game pamphlet

Season closures: All big game seasons are closed from Saint Patty's Day until Easter Sunday, at which point you can resume nuking the shit out of all big game.

The Butte Catholics say “Here, Here!”

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