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Montana Mulies


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Plymouth Wisconsin
I have hunted Montana region 7 and region 5 great areas both 1 being block management the other being private land. region 7 was there last week of October and this past year region 5 on private property second week Nov. I dont feel I am or was getting the staight dope (answers) on the mule deer population from either the biologists or the rancher in region 5 just putting it out there for some opinions as to what you guys all feel your opinions are of region 5 would love to go back again this year but I am hesititant for the quality of the hunt I had. We drove and glassed for about 1.5 hours of day and then set out on foot till sunset each day and there were days we didnt see a deer are we still a week or so too early. Or are the deer numbers still down that significantly. My buddie and I pride ourselves on going into areas that most dont want to go. Just looking for some input and not trying to bash Montana residents at all. But I feel I have been missguided by fish fish and game as to the Quality of the hunt to expect.:confused:
No deer. Regs last year prevented shooting does in a lot of units, perhaps all of 5. This year same deal. I've heard as much as 40% decline in numbers. I wouldn't make the trek and pay the nr prices for this. Total mismanagement of the seasons, number of permits, prices, etc.
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I've never deer hunted in Region 5. I did speak to one of the biologists last summer about the area and he mentioned that numbers were way down. I'd head back to Region 7 if I were you. I've always had good hunting in that part of the state. However, it's easy to be pleased with a hunt when your standards are as low as mine.
I am just curious to why people want to hunt Montana for deer? It seems like there are many more opportunities in other states for quality deer. I know guys have lots of success on the eastern side of the state too. The only reason I can see is the over the counter tag is hassle free. The public land is available to hunt, but lots of the really good whitetail stuff is private. With the disease and everything are there better options out there or am I naive?
I am just curious to why people want to hunt Montana for deer? It seems like there are many more opportunities in other states for quality deer. I know guys have lots of success on the eastern side of the state too. The only reason I can see is the over the counter tag is hassle free. The public land is available to hunt, but lots of the really good whitetail stuff is private. With the disease and everything are there better options out there or am I naive?
Couple of reasons, I think and you touched on the biggie, they can get tags! Secondly, it's a long season. I know that has been a draw for me in the past for coming to MT as it's easier to plan when you have 5 weeks to hunt. Probably not as important, but is driving distance. The other state that I think offers OTC deer tags and fairly lengthy season is ID, but that adds a whole extra day of travel, each way, coming from where the OP is coming from.

For me and my current situation, I put in for the LE tags and just eat the refund price if I don't draw. However, I do plan on keeping the deer tag one year once the herds rebound a bit. Only time I've hunted MT I had the option of 7 doe tags to go with the buck tag, though I only purchased one. I like the option of adding a few to the larder if I'm traveling that far.
I have Hunted deer in Regions 4 & 5 for over a decade. The deer numbers are the lowest I've ever seen them in both areas. From what I've seen, Region 4 is a bit worse off than region 5. But both areas are down IME. I only hunted region 5 last year. Saw fair numbers of 2-3 year old bucks, looks like it may be on the mend; but still could use a couple years.

I'd think deer numbers are going to be strongest in Region 7.
It is very dependent upon the location within Region 5, or any region for that matter. I have a friend who manages a ranch where the pestulance of whitetails was like nothing I had ever seen, just five years ago. This last season, he asked that I not come over for my annual doe hunt, somewhat joking that if I filled all three doe tags, I would take half of his remaining deer population.

I also hunted a different area in Region 5, where I saw more mule deer than I have seen in a long time. I shot a very nice buck.

I suspect most of the other regions of the state are the same. Pockets where disease has taken out a lot of deer, but some areas where things are good. Just takes some research and looking to find the pockets of deer.

It is no secret that the whitetail numbers in many areas are way down. That has happened over the last three years and has pushed pressure back to mule deer. How long the mule deer can withstand that increased pressure is a question. Places with difficult access, due to either ownership or topography, are your best options.
I've hunted 7 quite a bit and numbers are definitely way down. There are still deer there but not like before when it was fun to turn down a several mature 4 points per day. I've also noticed that the deer moved a couple years ago when it was really dry and are now in some different areas than we traditionally found them. The age class is slowly improving from where it was a couple years ago, but the key word is slowly as it's nearly impossible to manage for quality with the number of tags Montana sells.

If you're expecting a 170 buck you'll likely be disappointed, but if you want to get out and hunt and enjoy montana then you'll have a good time wherever you go. Hunt hard for a week and you should get an opportunity at a mature buck.
I started hunting region 7 in the mid 90's, hunted it pretty regular through the mid 2000s then not much up until a couple years back. Hunted lots of areas east and south of Miles City. In that time I went from seeing a hand full of hunters, and many days of 100-150+deer per day, to 30-40 hunters per day and 10-20 deer/day. I won't go back until things improve... I'd rather hunt the mountains and have a better shot at an old buck, and see fewer people. I don't mind seeing few deer, but when the hunters out number the deer there is a problem. When I first started hunting 7, I think you could buy 5-6 doe tags OTC.

MT struggles to manage wildlife, that's for sure.
CO struggles to manage wildlife as well. Matter of fact - they suck.

>Imagine the number of hunters remains the same in the unit I hunt because they have given all the opportunities to private land owners.
I started hunting region 7 in the mid 90's, hunted it pretty regular through the mid 2000s then not much up until a couple years back. Hunted lots of areas east and south of Miles City. In that time I went from seeing a hand full of hunters, and many days of 100-150+deer per day, to 30-40 hunters per day and 10-20 deer/day. I won't go back until things improve... I'd rather hunt the mountains and have a better shot at an old buck, and see fewer people. I don't mind seeing few deer, but when the hunters out number the deer there is a problem. When I first started hunting 7, I think you could buy 5-6 doe tags OTC.

MT struggles to manage wildlife, that's for sure.

And 5-6 doe tags is ridiculous mis management. That's crazy
I can't imagine a 97 week season that goes through the rut is helping the deer herds in MT very much. Most of our ID muley seasons are 3 weeks and end on Halloween. I have never hunted Montana but this is just my observation.

Unit 39 in Idaho has a 6 week season that includes rifle and archery. The unit takes a beating from extreme crowds all season long. There is an early rifle controlled buck hunt, general rifle season buck hunt, controlled doe hunt and an otc rut archery either sex hunt. People are always bitching about the deer in that unit.

If you get off the roads and really get back there is definitely pockets where the deer can find safety there, but you really gotta have the time to scout it and hunt it routinely. Tough to do for a NR. What I am getting at is to pick a unit with a little less OTC opportunity, but still enough opportunity to get a tag at least every other year. It sounds like the disease problem they have is not helping either.

Don't forget that biologists are salesman undercover sometimes.
Oh ya they will tell you what you want to hear if not me there will be another sucker to spend 565 on a combo tag on false expectation. Its is my opinion that in the areas that i hunted they quite possible should not have been a mule deer season that how depleted the herd was. But they want that trespasser fee or all the great block management property that is way over hunted one particular property 25000 acres and you take on 160 hunters sadly the reality is it all about the money and it maybe the down fall of the resource they claim to value and supposedly protect. Its the same thing in Wisconsin besides the wolf problem they say is not a problem and they way they allowed the deer herd to be shot to hell. Maybe for once they aught to listen to the hunter for they are the one who have the best capability of giving an accurate judgement of the deer herd and field conditions.
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Thanks to you and all the others for their input I truly love the wide open spaces of your state for me when I hunt these types of areas I truly feel as though I am free and love the challenge of what the next canyon may offer and having two great hunting partners just adds to the enjoyment. The potential that lies within the western states blows my mind .
I have hunted in Wyoming and the ranch we hunted used to be awesome but Just way over hunted and the quality of the hunt went away . Was and am looking towards the Gillette and Sheridan area saw alot of mullies as we went through the area . Always looking and have no problem jumping ship to another state I just think all the western states are in a funk right now the past couple of years whether it is the predator problems wolves, coyotes or the hard winters or drought or disease. Also I am just plain stubborn and will never pay an outfitter to cart my ass around and tell me when and how to shoot where I can hunt. I think one of the most important things to me is finding a piece of property on figuring it out in a 5 to 7 day period and making it a success hunt.
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Maybe just time to jump species rather than the ship...I doubt there has ever been a better time to be an elk hunter.
And 5-6 doe tags is ridiculous mis management. That's crazy

The number of tags back then wasn't (and isn't) the issue. It was common to see a hundred whitetails on a 30 acre alfalfa field. The herd was fully able to support that kind of harvest. Then two brutal winters and disease hit at the same time. That's what did the damage to the deer population, not overhunting. Maybe FWP was a little slow to respond and cut the number of tags, but issued tags were NOT the driving factor in the deer population decline.
The number of tags back then wasn't (and isn't) the issue. It was common to see a hundred whitetails on a 30 acre alfalfa field. The herd was fully able to support that kind of harvest. Then two brutal winters and disease hit at the same time. That's what did the damage to the deer population, not overhunting. Maybe FWP was a little slow to respond and cut the number of tags, but issued tags were NOT the driving factor in the deer population decline.

Ok thanks for clearing up your probably spot on . I do think the herd will recover just make take some time .
What are you guys seeing or hearing how the deer herd made it through the winter in Montana I know quite a few guys that run coyotes in Wisconsin and they are saying they are finding alot of dead deer the snow was not terrible here but the cold was the worst in in the history of WI 55 days that were below zero temps . And as of today the are predicting as much as 15 inches of snow in northern WI and Upper Michigan witch on a deer herd that is very stressed the could be devastating too the deer herd. To me the this is the worst winter I have seen in some 30 years or better .
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