New member
I have hunted Montana region 7 and region 5 great areas both 1 being block management the other being private land. region 7 was there last week of October and this past year region 5 on private property second week Nov. I dont feel I am or was getting the staight dope (answers) on the mule deer population from either the biologists or the rancher in region 5 just putting it out there for some opinions as to what you guys all feel your opinions are of region 5 would love to go back again this year but I am hesititant for the quality of the hunt I had. We drove and glassed for about 1.5 hours of day and then set out on foot till sunset each day and there were days we didnt see a deer are we still a week or so too early. Or are the deer numbers still down that significantly. My buddie and I pride ourselves on going into areas that most dont want to go. Just looking for some input and not trying to bash Montana residents at all. But I feel I have been missguided by fish fish and game as to the Quality of the hunt to expect.