Montana Mule Deer Unit 270

I don't think your experience is all that unusual for a limited entry tag. I talk to people every year that draw the 799 bull tag. They far to often expect a 380 bull in every canyon. It just is not that easy. The tag is both blessing and curse. I know good hunters that have gone days, even weeks with out seeing an elk. Someone takes a monster every year but most end up taking a small bull. The last week of the season they are calling looking for the hot spot. Truth is there isn't one. If you are unwilling to eat the tag in 799 you had best shoot the first bull you see
I saw a next year 200" buck today, this year only 100". Missing the left side.
Anybody that draws a limited tag needs to put in time. 300 miles away or not. 6 days left. I'd be behind the glass everyday. mtmuley

Yeah I have little sympathy for someone sitting at home and bitching on the Internet while there's still time left on the clock.
I had the tag in 2008. I spent 10 days scouting in Aug and 21 days hunting in archery and rifle. I saw over 200 hundred bucks. Lots of deer in the 160 to 170, a few in the high 170s to 180, a couple 180s and 1 giant that I felt was well into the 190s, which I flubbed up on. I passed up a 8x8 on the last day that was prob a 3yr old deer and ended up eating the tag. Even back then giant deer werent every where. Im fine with eating that tag. I didnt put in for it to shoot a mediocre buck. I'd love to draw it again I know that.
Last Years 270 deer

Well if I could figure out how to put pics on this site I would upload a photo of one I killed last year
Here's mtlionchaser's buck-



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