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Montana Mule Deer Raffle

I think it is because credit card companies charge transaction fees. Because this money is almost entirely earmarked for mule deer and not administration costs, too many people using credit cards would eat up all of the small amount allowed for admin fees and cut into the profit. My guess is the state has contracts with credit card companies to reduce those transaction charges, or has some other clever way of covering those costs.
Except they are charging 12.25% in processing fees, this is about 10% MORE than the processors charge.
I’ll be curious once the raffle ends, how many tickets get sold and how the odds for winning this compare to winning the mule deer super tag. That being said, I plan to buy a few tickets here regardless.
If you agree to hunt with an outfitter, they’ll give you 3 tickets for every one you buy :LOL:. J/k.
I have heard of several people wanting to shoot extra does/cows and getting those tags.

Provided there's a limited supply, people buying it with the express intent not to use it would only help right?

Everyone not buying one would be great - but I think you know a lot of people that see the barely double digit dollar amount and are excited they get to "kill" something else.
I have more faith in the $10 value a 6 pack of beer has to me, than I do in the theory of rewarding the FWP for a bad idea will save a deer.
Got a couple. I've tagged along on some hunts over the past few years in a couple of special draw units and really enjoyed myself. It was a fun an unique experience for Montana to look over a dozen or more 170+ bucks on public land each day along with a few bigger ones every once in awhile.

It also rubs me wrong for people to be able to buy their way to the front of the line for a public resource. So if a few bucks can help keep this tag as a raffle rather than an auction tag, I'm in.
Yeah the guys buying and ripping up or burning doe tags need to take a wild life management 101 coarse. If the harvest objective isn’t being met they will just issue more tags. You might as well burn that money in the wood stove at least you get the heat from it
Often hear of people buying all the doe tags they can to NOT fill them to somehow save a deer or make a point. I don’t think it works that way. Not buying them makes the point.

Best of luck on the ticket sales.

I do specifically for antelope. Last two of the three years I've drawn my antelope doe tags. Went unfilled by choice both years. Whitetails are a different story.
@Elky Welky I hope this goes very well and I'm always a sucker for a good raffle. It would be interesting to know how many tickets the winner buys, but either way I like this format of giving me a chance at a tag I could never win at auction.
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Thanks! I am not sure how we could collect that data or if it would be violating some kind of privacy rules to share it, but we will of course publish how much money we are able to raise. Good luck with the draw!
@Elky Welky I hope this goes very well and I'm always a sucker for a good raffle. It would be interesting to know how many tickets the winner buys, but either way I like this format of giving me a chance at a tag I could never win at auction.

You're probably already aware, but the state has been raffling off the same statewide tag for quite a while now with $5 tickets. So this year it's two raffle tags rather than 1 raffle/1 auction.

It'll be interesting comparing revenue between the two this year. I'll be spending more than I probably should on both.
Got a couple. I've tagged along on some hunts over the past few years in a couple of special draw units and really enjoyed myself. It was a fun an unique experience for Montana to look over a dozen or more 170+ bucks on public land each day along with a few bigger ones every once in awhile.

It also rubs me wrong for people to be able to buy their way to the front of the line for a public resource. So if a few bucks can help keep this tag as a raffle rather than an auction tag, I'm in.
This! I hope a HT'er wins it.
Is this tongue in cheek, or are those states really that incredible?
The first time I hunted Colorado it was eye opening they are playing a different game. Or they were not many years ago.
I will be buying more than one. So will my wife when I tell her about this opportunity. Thanks for posting this.
The first time I hunted Colorado it was eye opening they are playing a different game. Or they were not many years ago.

Obviously, no one will argue that our mule deer hunting is anywhere near the same neighborhood as Colorado. Of all the problems MT is facing with deer though, the LE units are way down the list.

I would do terrible, terrible things for another crack at one of these tags.
Obviously, no one will argue that our mule deer hunting is anywhere near the same neighborhood as Colorado. Of all the problems MT is facing with deer though, the LE units are way down the list.

I would do terrible, terrible things for another crack at one of these tags.
You may have to lace up your boots like so many adult onset hunters have suggested to people that have hunted their whole lives not to mention FWP but I would take a 0-3 point unit in Colorado over the Montana “Auction tag”. And I most likely will. I’ve never held a Colorado tag that has taken more than 2 points.

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