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Montana Mountain Goat- at wits end

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Right now tonight id burn all my points for that tag with what’s left on season and the weather we have. Work be damned my wife might get over I’d be heading up the mountain. Only get so many seasons in this life
SAJ-99 don't get it. He should stick to stuff he knows. And it ain't hunting. mtmuley
Devils advocate... youve gotta be greatful for what you have and not ungrateful for what you dont. Luck was on his side and the tag is to do as he pleases. Most of us will never kill a bull of the quality in your picture or some of the animals you have been fortunate enough to harvest. I dont get mad at the old folks that win the powerball 🤣
You clearly don't get it either.
It isn't that we want the tag, it's that the OP represents, at this moment, the guy who won the lottery, and then complains that he had to go pick up the check (one of those big fancy novelty checks). So he had to walk off trail to get it? Stay in a tent to get it? Be cold? Be lonely? Shit, what is mountain hunting but being varying levels of miserable to make the adventure memorable and "worth it!?!?" A huge bunch of people (myself and someone currently in his unit suffering in the snow in a tent) have tried to help, encouraged, pleaded with, the OP to experience what this was meant to be. This was never going to be easy, but many of us want that challenge, but it doesn't seem like the OP was prepared for or desired that when he applied. Buyer beware, evaluate your need to shoot a 4" nanny (not the OP) and desire to be miserable before you applying for a mountain goat tag in Montana (or anywhere, really.)

It isn't going to be easy and that's just how it is, don't apply if you aren't ready.
If you mean masochist then no I don't fit the Webster definition but this isn't about me. You said isn't everyone entitled to enjoy their tag how they see fit? I don't think anyone who shanks a tent in a fit of rage is and states they are at their wits end is enjoying anything. That's all.
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There’s a reason that, for the next 4-5 years, I will not even be letting my name fall in the hat for big three tags. Starting a family last year with plans for more, I’m well aware I just won’t be able to put in the necessary time and misery for these hunts so I’m not allowing the off chance of being forced to deal with that at this stage of starting a family.
There’s a reason that, for the next 4-5 years, I will not even be letting my name fall in the hat for big three tags. Starting a family last year with plans for more, I’m well aware I just won’t be able to put in the necessary time and misery for these hunts so I’m not allowing the off chance of being forced to deal with that at this stage of starting a family.
IMO big mistake unless you are on a path to draw based on having the most points/guaranteed draw at some point.

for these perpetually lottery odds tags you put in every year and be glad you ever drew even if life deals you fewer days to hunt it. You cannot know when you will draw the lucky low draw number so trashing some years is terrible strategy.

the truth is you will probably never draw so throwing away 5 years for multiple draws per year is a bad strategy. better to sort out how to make it happen on short hunting time than to never draw.
There’s a reason that, for the next 4-5 years, I will not even be letting my name fall in the hat for big three tags. Starting a family last year with plans for more, I’m well aware I just won’t be able to put in the necessary time and misery for these hunts so I’m not allowing the off chance of being forced to deal with that at this stage of starting a family.
Don’t buy raffle tickets for them either then. That’ll come at ya fast if ya win!!
IMO big mistake unless you are on a path to draw based on having the most points/guaranteed draw at some point.

for these perpetually lottery odds tags you put in every year and be glad you ever drew even if life deals you fewer days to hunt it. You cannot know when you will draw the lucky low draw number so trashing some years is terrible strategy.

the truth is you will probably never draw so throwing away 5 years for multiple draws per year is a bad strategy. better to sort out how to make it happen on short hunting time than to never draw.

You said it better than I could. Mountain Goat hunting is better suited to a young hunter compared to an old hunter. I was 36 when I drew my goat tag in Montana. At now twice that age, I am not certain that I sustain the effort to harvest a goat.

I am still in good physical shape, and hoping to draw a ram tag. But I know that there will be a day, when I will have stop trying to draw a tag.

If a person is fortunate, their big game hunting career is ~50 years. Sitting out 5 years without trying to draw a tag is throwing away 10% of your chance to draw a tag.
You said it better than I could. Mountain Goat hunting is better suited to a young hunter compared to an old hunter. I was 36 when I drew my goat tag in Montana. At now twice that age, I am not certain that I sustain the effort to harvest a goat.

I am still in good physical shape, and hoping to draw a ram tag. But I know that there will be a day, when I will have stop trying to draw a tag.

If a person is fortunate, their big game hunting career is ~50 years. Sitting out 5 years without trying to draw a tag is throwing away 10% of your chance to draw a tag.
Leave your logic at home this is the internet. I’d definitely not apply and worry about it after. As I plan my trip to New Mexico for Audad in 2 weeks
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