Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Montana Moose Sheep and Goat results!!

I didn’t want to be sheep hunting in Montana anyways, I’ll be too busy chasing after rams around Zion... although another goat tag would have been fun.
I was a sure draw for a sheep tag this year with me building a house and being too busy. I was certain that would seal my fate with a premium tag.
Turns out I didn’t draw.
Unable to believe my hunch was wrong, I did a little bit more digging into the drawing process.

I reached out to some unnamed contacts in government departments and they confirm my worst suspicions. Turns out I actually drew but turns out someone let a non-native wolf into the secret draw room and it ate my tag!

I am retaliating by becoming a life subscriber to Lobowatch’s Facebook page.

Beware folks. If they did it to me they will keep doing it to others until THEY are held accountable.
Another year of building points...

None of my friends or family has ever drawn one of these and its getting frustrating.
No sheep for me, no surprise. Montana blessed me with back-to-back goat and moose tags a few years ago, but looks like I'll be trying for the trifecta until I die.
I DREW!! a ewe tag!

I decided I didnt want to wait a lifetime to hunt sheep, so I burned my points on a 680-30 ewe tag and drew! Looking forward to chasing sheep and enjoying that area!
I don't believe you burned your points. The ewe permit does not prevent you from applying for a ram and a ewe next year either. I do not believe you lose them with the ewe.
I think i am closer to the conclusion that bonus points in this state are total effn bs. More people draw with 1 or 2 or half the points of folks with max............. wtf is that. I am upset if you can't tell.
The bonus points are just that in that they give you another opportunity to be drawn but they DO NOT really increase your odds of drawing because everyone like most of us does purchase the bonus points also. That money does go towards that particular species you purchased the bonus points for research, habitat improvement, etc for that animal.
I don't believe you burned your points. The ewe permit does not prevent you from applying for a ram and a ewe next year either. I do not believe you lose them with the ewe.
Yes you do..... one of the dumbest things I've done in my hunting career was burn 9 pts on a ewe. Don't get me wrong the hunt was a blast and they're great to eat I could've drawn that tag without using my points.....if I knew then what I know now........I seem to say that a lot.
Yes you do..... one of the dumbest things I've done in my hunting career was burn 9 pts on a ewe. Don't get me wrong the hunt was a blast and they're great to eat I could've drawn that tag without using my points.....if I knew then what I know now........I seem to say that a lot.

I only burned 4 points so it wont hurt as bad as it did for you. Im also 29 right now, so hopefully between Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho I'll have a chance at a ram tag at some point before i bite the dust...
I only burned 4 points so it wont hurt as bad as it did for you. Im also 29 right now, so hopefully between Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho I'll have a chance at a ram tag at some point before i bite the dust...
Why don't you just buy an unlimited tag
Why don't you just buy an unlimited tag

I just dont have enough time to dedicate to that tag in a season, I've probably stretched myself too thin for this coming fall as it is. There are so many uncertainties with the unlimited also, could buy the tag and take two weeks for the hunt only to have the quota filled the first morning and be out the tag cost as well as the time/money to get to the unit.
The bonus points are just that in that they give you another opportunity to be drawn but they DO NOT really increase your odds of drawing because everyone like most of us does purchase the bonus points also. That money does go towards that particular species you purchased the bonus points for research, habitat improvement, etc for that animal.

Are you sure about that? I've never heard that before.
I just dont have enough time to dedicate to that tag in a season, I've probably stretched myself too thin for this coming fall as it is. There are so many uncertainties with the unlimited also, could buy the tag and take two weeks for the hunt only to have the quota filled the first morning and be out the tag cost as well as the time/money to get to the unit.
Part of the game I guess.......
Call me mtmiller jr!

Looking for a good goat recipe.
A good goat recipe is harder to find than drawing a tag! I'm now 42 straight years of applying without drawing a goat tag.

I didn't draw a moose, sheep, or buffalo tag either. Again!!

There's still a glimmer of hope for an antelope tag. :unsure:
I just dont have enough time to dedicate to that tag in a season, I've probably stretched myself too thin for this coming fall as it is. There are so many uncertainties with the unlimited also, could buy the tag and take two weeks for the hunt only to have the quota filled the first morning and be out the tag cost as well as the time/money to get to the unit.
I had that same attitude in the '70s and '80s when we could buy an unlimited sheep tag and a grizzly tag for $25 apiece. When I lived up north of Kalispell I thought it was too far to drive across the state to hunt the unlimited sheep units near Yellowstone, and I never really hunted a grizzly, just hoped I'd shoot an elk and come back and find a griz on the gut pile.

Then when I moved down within 100 miles of the unlimited units, I'd buy a tag and just go in for a long opening weekend hunt. No big deal, if I didn't kill a ram, I'd just buy another tag the next year. Some years, some of the units were open the full three month season without filling their quotas. One year I even passed on two legal rams because I wanted one bigger. I actually tossed a small rock underhand and hit one and they ran off. "They will be bigger next year" I said to myself (and actually one was! 😁).

Then they closed the season on grizzlies, and the unlimited quotas filled earlier and earlier, more people are buying tags and some areas are actually crowded, and other unlimited units were changed to only limited draw units. We didn't know how good we had it. I can foresee in the future that our kids or grandkids will say "When grandpa hunted here they had unlimited sheep tags."
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