PEAX Equipment

Montana Legislator wishes to Join Utah land grab, Resolution.

Dear Tom, dont Utard my Montana.

Probably see ya in Helena soon - sportsmen from all over will be there to oppose this - which is a real shame since they all have more important things to do. It wont be too long before this legislative performative masturbation costs Polticians what they value most - re-election.
I’ve said it before but show me who to vote for that is 100% only about the wildlife. Until we can get it separated so that it’s not treated as a commodity and actually treated like a resource the elections won’t matter in this aspect
I’ve said it before but show me who to vote for that is 100% only about the wildlife. Until we can get it separated so that it’s not treated as a commodity and actually treated like a resource the elections won’t matter in this aspect
Good point.

We should ask those questions in primaries, and participate in local party events. Maybe they'll run me out - but i'd generally speaking like to vote for R and not get garbagio like this.

Edit - also want to point out that no one will be 100% about wildlife in the way i want. Look how much we all disagree here... wildlifes pretty nuanced in a lot of ways.

The threads about public land, and my garbage comment is more about that than wildife. Theres plenty of disagreement on public land policy/practice and best management too. But this is an attempt to sell it off - or at best selfishly enrich the state of Montana at the detriment to every other citizen.
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Good point.

We should ask those questions in primaries, and participate in local party events. Maybe they'll run me out - but i'd generally speaking like to vote for R and not get garbagio like this.

Edit - also want to point out that no one will be 100% about wildlife in the way i want. Look how much we all disagree here... wildlifes pretty nuanced in a lot of ways.

The threads about public land, and my garbage comment is more about that than wildife. Theres plenty of disagreement on public land policy/practice and best management too. But this is an attempt to sell it off - or at best selfishly enrich the state of Montana at the detriment to every other citizen.
I was making abroad stroke with that since for most of us the wildlife and landscape go hand in hand
I saw Elon Musk share a video on his social media yesterday of Milton Friedman saying the government should sell all of its lands - should only own the land on which govt buildings reside. I saw a prominent individual at a Montana think tank - who has found a fair bit of success getting bills passed in the legislature - also share it.

Transfer is a poisoned well of an idea. Not only for the very real logistical, legal, or philosophical reasons, but because a powerful subset of its proponents are leveraging folks who would be reduced to suckers staring at No Trespassing signs were it to come to pass. A lot of people - most who don't hunt, fish, or trap - really actually do think public lands simply should not exist.
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I saw Elon Musk share a video on his social media yesterday of Milton Friedman saying the government should sell all of its lands - should only own the land on which govt buildings reside. I saw a prominent individual at a Montana think tank - who has found a fair bit of success getting bills passed in the legislature - also share it.

Transfer is a poisoned well of an idea. Not only for the very real logistical, legal, or philosophical reasons, but because a powerful subset of its proponents are leveraging folks who would be reduced to suckers staring at No Trespassing signs were it to come to pass. A lot of people - most who don't hunt, fish, or trap - really actually do think public lands simply should not exist.
A good assessment of the evolving dynamics on this issue. I wish it was different.

The current political tone in our country makes it even harder. Marcus and I are in the midst of our five-part series. The messages I've been getting are more rooted in partisan loyalty and "what about-ism" than at any time we've posted content on this issue. We are at a time when we feel that a vote for a person is some sort of allegiance in perpetuity and getting folks to voice objections to someone they voted for is very difficult.
Yeah and plum cr to Weyerhaeuser to southern Pines to green diamond to private individuals, including the Joneses. Just saying SPP sold to the joneses.
This is a good article with lots of back story.

"To manage its timberland, Flathead Ridge Ranch hired Caleb Deitz, a local forester who’s spent the past decade working to improve the health of public and private forests in northwest Montana. His goal at Flathead Ridge Ranch isn’t to harvest a certain volume of sawlogs, but rather to promote “a more mature, more natural mix of forest age classes,” which in turn supports more diverse wildlife habitat.

“Between the work the security team is doing, and what we’re accomplishing through sustainable forestry, it seems like we have been getting more support from the public,” he said. “We’ve certainly seen an improvement in the hunting ethics on display since making these investments.”"
A good assessment of the evolving dynamics on this issue. I wish it was different.

The current political tone in our country makes it even harder. Marcus and I are in the midst of our five-part series. The messages I've been getting are more rooted in partisan loyalty and "what about-sim" than at any time we've posted content on this issue. We are at a time when we feel that a vote for a person is some sort of allegiance in perpetuity and getting folks to voice objections to someone they voted for is very difficult.

I appreciate your videos. I know in the past you have spoken to how they don't generate near the interest and views as dead bull elk - which I also like - but they are important. Might be more important than any of the others if the right person sees em, and it may happen long after you or I are gone.
This is a good article with lots of back story.

"To manage its timberland, Flathead Ridge Ranch hired Caleb Deitz, a local forester who’s spent the past decade working to improve the health of public and private forests in northwest Montana. His goal at Flathead Ridge Ranch isn’t to harvest a certain volume of sawlogs, but rather to promote “a more mature, more natural mix of forest age classes,” which in turn supports more diverse wildlife habitat.

“Between the work the security team is doing, and what we’re accomplishing through sustainable forestry, it seems like we have been getting more support from the public,” he said. “We’ve certainly seen an improvement in the hunting ethics on display since making these investments.”"

They’re still allowing quite a bit of access. When news of that sale broke, a lot of hunters were freaked out. I don’t hunt that area, but know people who do and have for generations. It could have been a disaster.

Caleb is a solid dude and a good forester. I worked with him at my past job.
In the last few election cycles I have chosen not to vote for anyone in favor of transfer or disposal of public land. I have let those candidates know that. They all won landslide victories. I do not understand how people can give them a free pass on this terrible idea.

I figure there are plenty of people voting on all the other issues out there. I'll support public land and conservation first. Yes, it's that important to me.
His entire district is considered critical habitat for one or more species listed under the Endangered Species Act. Unless, as a state legislator, he can get changes enacted to a Federal law, he isn't going to do a single one of those items he promises.

And if he's in camp with the American Lands Council, he's on board with one of the groups behind selling the Federal lands. Bring it on. Let's get this sorted out now.
Seems like his funding isn't too dark.
They’re still allowing quite a bit of access. When news of that sale broke, a lot of hunters were freaked out. I don’t hunt that area, but know people who do and have for generations. It could have been a disaster.

Caleb is a solid dude and a good forester. I worked with him at my past job.
I spent 8 years on a Forest Legacy Program conservation easement review committee, and most of the proposals came out of that corner of the state. Lot of acres of private timber company holdings, were put under easement with perpetual public access. Good program.
They’re still allowing quite a bit of access. When news of that sale broke, a lot of hunters were freaked out. I don’t hunt that area, but know people who do and have for generations. It could have been a disaster.

Caleb is a solid dude and a good forester. I worked with him at my past job.
All be dang, I know Caleb, he is a good guy.
I saw Elon Musk share a video on his social media yesterday of Milton Friedman saying the government should sell all of its lands - should only own the land on which govt buildings reside. I saw a prominent individual at a Montana think tank - who has found a fair bit of success getting bills passed in the legislature - also share it.

Transfer is a poisoned well of an idea. Not only for the very real logistical, legal, or philosophical reasons, but because a powerful subset of its proponents are leveraging folks who would be reduced to suckers staring at No Trespassing signs were it to come to pass. A lot of people - most who don't hunt, fish, or trap - really actually do think public lands simply should not exist.

I wish elon could get Trump to watch this one from Milton instead.

I wish elon could get Trump to watch this one from Milton instead.
1. Milton never saw a camera he didn't like.
2. The visible/invisible argument can also be made on inflation and jobs during Covid. I'm sure he would have hated the printing of money to support the economy (he wasn't much for changing or adapting his views on the matter), but often wonder how he would square that with the unemployment that would have resulted. Creative destruction is great when you are only living in a world of economic models.
3. I'm not sure Elon gives a shit about macro economics.
The messages I've been getting are more rooted in partisan loyalty and "what about-ism" than at any time we've posted content on this issue.
It’s strange that whataboutism has become the go-to deflection strategy and acceptance mechanism for full-grown adults. I was taught around kindergarten that it’s a poor way to try and weasel out of culpability for something bad I’d done.
The current political tone in our country makes it even harder. Marcus and I are in the midst of our five-part series. The messages I've been getting are more rooted in partisan loyalty and "what about-ism" than at any time we've posted content on this issue. We are at a time when we feel that a vote for a person is some sort of allegiance in perpetuity and getting folks to voice objections to someone they voted for is very difficult.
It’s beyond crummy to see so many of our elected politicians have so much blind faith to the party they belong to instead of the actual people they are elected to represent

The last time I emailed one of my local reps about PLT the very, very delayed response was essentially that I was wrong and stupid and she would vote the way her party bosses told her to
It’s beyond crummy to see so many of our elected politicians have so much blind faith to the party they belong to instead of the actual people they are elected to represent

The last time I emailed one of my local reps about PLT the very, very delayed response was essentially that I was wrong and stupid and she would vote the way her party bosses told her to
You should try her on anadromous fish and dam breaching. All the talking points conveniently provided by her lobbyists.