Well-known member
I lean heavily on the it is not a good idea.I don't know if the extra visibility brought by the kids was good or bad, but they have the most standing of anyone involved... and it did bring national attention to it, albeit misinformed attention suggesting the impact of this lawsuit is bigger than it is towards addressing climate change (which may be more advantageous to those that want to remove that part of Montana's Constitution).
Using kids is clearly an emotionally play. You argue with emotion when you don't have confidence in your facts. Sure you can do both at the same time, but why would you risk clouding the facts with emotion.
Often the its for the kids argument come into play when you are losing the argument. One only has to go back a few months on HT and baiting issue in ND for an example. Corn Pile guy was front and center with it is for the kids. I can not remember his real user name, but Corn Pile Guy fits.
Using kids implies that this is a problem for the next generation and the current leaders can kick the can down the road. It would be prudent to start addressing the next generations problems now, but that is just not how government works. The debt hawks have been using its for the kids argument as long as I can remember. Hasn't worked all that well for them. The debt is always the next generations problem.