Montana House Bill 676 - This could sell off 1.25M acres of State Trust Lands - that's almost 25%!!! This is not the Homesteading Bill

Why not exchanges rather than disposal if that's the goal?
The best win-win example of exchanges is the swap-out of landlocked inaccessible state land on the Flying D Ranch. The ranch purchased land near Ulm, land desirable to the State of Montana. Landlocked parcels on the ranch became part of the contiguous ranch and the land near Ulm became a very popular and excellent State Park called the First Peoples Buffalo Jump. That is the kind of land deals I would like the legislature to consider. Good for the private landowner and really good for the public.

Like I said, "Instead of Legislature meeting ninety days every two years ... how about two days every ninety years!"
The best win-win example of exchanges is the swap-out of landlocked inaccessible state land on the Flying D Ranch. The ranch purchased land near Ulm, land desirable to the State of Montana. Landlocked parcels on the ranch became part of the contiguous ranch and the land near Ulm became a very popular and excellent State Park called the First Peoples Buffalo Jump. That is the kind of land deals I would like the legislature to consider. Good for the private landowner and really good for the public.

Like I said, "Instead of Legislature meeting ninety days every two years ... how about two days every ninety years!"
The D also did one with the state that added to the Robb/Ledford WMA, was a great exchange.

Wayyyy better than disposal, by a landslide.
The other thought in my mind on this is that the monies gained by sale of inaccessible state properties possibly can build a pool of money for the state to use to purchase a like number of acres (no net acres gained) for the public. The possibility to purchase better places with access to recreational land.
Why didn’t you offer that as an amendment? There are no such guarantees in this bill.
The reason I voted for it: these sections have no legal access. If sold at fair market value(FVM) the interest earned is more than the lessee payments. Not a bad deal.
Exhibit A for why states can’t be trusted with federal lands. Why wouldn’t you try to find ways for all of the people of MT to access our public lands instead of selling them off to a privilege few?
The reason I voted for it: these sections have no legal access. If sold at fair market value(FVM) the interest earned is more than the lessee payments. Not a bad deal.
Isn't there a program to enroll in to deal with this issue? It's called Land Banking right? Sadly many are disingenuous in the fact they want State lands privatized not banked and re purchased.
The other thought in my mind on this is that the monies gained by sale of inaccessible state properties possibly can build a pool of money for the state to use to purchase a like number of acres (no net acres gained) for the public. The possibility to purchase better places with access to recreational land.

In kind, individual land exchanges on a case by case basis with public input for each exchange are a good thing. The legal framework for this already exists.

Nothing that I can see in this bill would set monies aside for public land purchase if the bill passes.

To quote a mutual acquaintance, “ This is a turd of a bill”. No bueno.
In kind, individual land exchanges on a case by case basis with public input for each exchange are a good thing. The legal framework for this already exists.

Nothing that I can see in this bill would set monies aside for public land purchase if the bill passes.

To quote a mutual acquaintance, “ This is a turd of a bill”. No bueno.
While waiting to hear about the vote on 139 couple weeks ago they voted on what to do with the extra 60 million I believe the state has. I don’t think we need to sell land for money
Also, when the state is sitting on a two billion dollar surplus, selling public assets to pay state government bills is an unconvincing argument.

How about we pass legislation to use some of that surplus to create legal access to landlocked public lands rather than selling them to benefit landowners.

MT taxpayers are the losers on both ends of this bill.
The reason I voted for it: these sections have no legal access. If sold at fair market value(FVM) the interest earned is more than the lessee payments. Not a bad deal.
Problem: everyone is assuming that there's no public access. The bill doesn't say that. It says "isolated" state parcels. Isolated from what? Other state parcels? Adjoining public lands? Accessible by stream access? Did you not go into that detail? The bill sure doesn't. It puts 1.25 million arcres into "shall sell". Woah.

You should be encouraging access to public lands - not selling them off. It's a horrible deal - 1.25 Million acres would be gone from the public trust forever. No chance to consolidate or land swap (not that that seems to go well) or anything. Just gone. The bill doesn't even say what the money would be used for.

No offense here man, but this was not thought out at all. You don't sell off 25% of the state trust lands based on "he said they are inaccessible" and not even care where the money is going!!!

Start a thread that says "I voted to sell 25% of Montana's state trust land - Not a Bad Deal" and see how Montanans really feel about it!
The other thought in my mind on this is that the monies gained by sale of inaccessible state properties possibly can build a pool of money for the state to use to purchase a like number of acres (no net acres gained) for the public. The possibility to purchase better places with access to recreational land.
The bill doesn't say that though! It just says the state shall sell it!!! We can't just sit here and pray that "they" will do the right thing.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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