Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Montana HD 570


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2014
Does anyone have any experience hunting in HD 570? I know its mainly private land but I can't find any info on it. Anything is helpful.

I've shot one whitetail and I don't know how many pronghorn out of that unit...but none very recently.
How was your deer? Everything I've heard about that unit is about pronghorns. Can't find much on deer
I hunted the river bottom east of Harlowton exactly once, it was primarily whitetails, but there were a ton of them. I haven't been back since the mid-90s.

In all the years I spent hunting antelope over there, I never recall seeing a buck mule deer over 150 or so. There were some good whitetails, some of them out in the prairie country a long way from the river bottoms.
the whitetail and antelope got hit really hard a few years back really hard..numbers are still very low
I Hunt goats in that area and like previously posted the numbers are down. Bad winters and diesease and fwp giving out extra doe tags during low numbers. This winter should help.
So I've been working in that area for the last two weeks. I've been putting about 100 mile a day there. I've seen like 6 small groups of antelope. Seems like I've seen a few more mule deer than normal so hopefully they are doing better but antelope seem to still be struggling
We drew the tag on our 3rd choice one year, limited access, lots of outfitter leased property, and very few lopes. we ended up going home empty handed out of 4 tags. unless you know someone that owns property there, I wouldn't waste your time applying for that one
That's too bad, 570 used to have pretty easy access if you knocked on a few doors. There were also some pretty darn good bucks in that unit as well.

We used to hunt opening weekend since Monday was always a holiday. I remember on one opening day we filled 17 of 18 tags between 6 of us.
I have hunted Antelope for 10 years or so west of Harlowtown. As well as Deer and Elk. This past year, Antelope numbers had been so low, that I decdied to not even apply for the area. Numbers have been low enough that I actually feel bad about shooting the antelope that are there. In 3 days in that area my Dad saw 3 antelope this past fall. I spent two more days Deer hunting, and in two days chasing Deer, I didn't see a single antelope on the 5500 acre property I was hunting. I probably won't apply there for a few more years while that population rebuilds.

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