Montana HD 510


New member
Apr 2, 2017
Applied for Unit 510 in Montana. This will be my first mule deer hunt. Will not have much time for scouting. Plan to hunt archery and gun season. Any information on this area or tips for success? for success....
Get out and hike a lot. Bring adequate binos and check out open ridges after November 5th.
Whether it's your first or hundredth hunt, try to enjoy the experience, rather than killing a buck. I always have a much better time when I convince myself it's just a bonus to notch the tag.
Applied for Unit 510 in Montana. This will be my first mule deer hunt. Will not have much time for scouting. Plan to hunt archery and gun season. Any information on this area or tips for success?

Scout the unit and get out of your truck once you are there.
Watch the series on You Tube "How I do my E-Scouting"...4 Parts. I've watched them all.

While not an expert on Western hunting by any means (only been doing it about 8 years) I've used bits and pieces of his lessons in the past, and it's worked out pretty well.

Call Game Biologists/Wardens in the area.
If you haven't been to the area before, you may be in for a big surprise. There are definitely a few good deer in there, but it is less than magnificent habitat from what I have seen while I have been in there. Think desert moonscape..... That said I have a buddy that used to hunt it often. They covered tons of ground on ATV's and glassed from high ridges. He always managed to find a decent buck, but he was very familiar with the area. I don't think it would be to hard to go in there for a week and only see a handful of deer.... hopefully one of them is the one you want.

To be fair, I have only been in the area a handful of times, and there are no doubt people who know a lot more than me, but I am pretty confident in saying that most general tag areas are better than this limited draw unit. Unfortunately if you draw the permit, you are stuck hunting only that unit for mule deer.

Good Luck.
Just don't set your expectations too high. Many people don't understand that a limited unit imply trophy unit....sometimes its due to low deer numbers that cant handle the general season pressure...especially when its an unlimited limited tag.

I tagged along a few yrs back. Never saw a mule deer on huntable land that would hit 150. Saw a couple decent 150-160s deer on private.