Gerald Martin
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- Jul 3, 2009
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I know we’ve been have a lot of discussions about the issues leading up to Representative Hinkle’s introduction of HB-139 to the Montana Legislature this session and I have been thinking a lot about why all Montanans should care about this bill.
Currently, this bill sits awaiting executive committee action for continued movement towards becoming law or being tabled.
As most folks on here are aware, I am one of nine authors of a proposal to restructure current general season regulations that we plan to ask the FWP commission to include for consideration during the public scoping meetings leading up to the 26/27 season setting at the end of 2025. Currently, this proposal is on its 2nd draft as we consider input from individuals and sportsmen’s groups and conservation organizations. In other words it is not yet complete and formally introduced into the season setting process.
Admittedly, there are parts of our proposal that are controversial among the Montana hunting community. Those of us authoring the proposal have a strong belief that there is a compelling biological, ethical, and quality hunting opportunity case to be made for those controversial portions of our proposal, but recognize that the will of Montana hunters and natural resource stakeholders is incredibly important in any decisions that the commission makes regarding seasons that affect all of us.
What connection does our proposal have to HB-139 and why should you care, you may ask?
In his introduction of HB-139 to the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee this past Tuesday, Representative Hinkle specifically singled out our drafting and public release of our proposal as the impetus of his bill that would change the Montana statute giving the Montana FWP Commission the authority to govern season lengths, bag limits, closures, etc.
Video of House FWP Committee meeting.
The changes included in HB-139 would specifically prohibit MT FWP from making changes to mule deer hunting in the following manner.
“ a.) The commission may not close the hunting of mule deer bucks during the general hunting season:
i. In more than 20% of hunting districts in the state in a given season.
ii. for more than 2 years within a 6 year period in any one hunting district;or
iii. In any hunting district prior to November 6.
(b.) This subsection (10) does not apply to any district restriction on mule deer buck hunting that was in place prior to December 1, 2024.”
HB-139’s proposed inclusion of that specific language into MCA 87-1-304 triggered an opposition letter from nearly 30 state and national conservation organizations that Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation rep Charlie Booher presented to the committee during the hearing.
Here is their letter of opposition.
*** Anaconda Sportsman’s Club *** Delta Waterfowl *** Ducks Unlimited *** Boone and Crocke= Club
*** Flathead Wildlife Inc. *** GallaCn Wildlife AssociaCon *** InternaConal Hunter EducaCon
AssociaCon-USA *** Laurel Rod and Gun Club *** Montana Chapter of the NaConal Wild Turkey
FederaCon *** Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society *** Montana ConservaCon Society ***
Montana OuOi=ers & Guides AssociaCon *** Montana Stockgrowers AssociaCon *** Montana Trout
Unlimited *** Montana Union Sportsmen Alliance *** Montana Wildlife FederaCon *** Montana Wild
Sheep FoundaCon *** Mule Deer FoundaCon *** NaConal Deer AssociaCon *** Pheasants Forever ***
Pope & Young Club *** Property and Environment Research Center *** Quail Forever *** Safari Club
InternaConal *** Theodore Roosevelt ConservaCon Partnership *** Trout Unlimited *** Rocky
Mountain Elk FoundaCon *** Whitetails Unlimited *** Wild Sheep FoundaCon ***
Sen. Denley Loge, Chair
Senate Fish & Game Commi=ee
Rep. Jedediah Hinkle, Chair
House Fish, Wildlife, & Parks Commi=ee
1301 E 6th Ave
1301 E 6th Ave
Helena, MT 59601
Helena, MT 59601
January 14, 2025
Re: Sportsman, Landowner, OuOi=er, & Producer OpposiCon to Se`ng HunCng Seasons in Statute
Dear Chair Loge & Chair Hinkle:
We write to express our shared opposiCon to se`ng hunCng, fishing, and trapping seasons in
the Montana Code Annotated. Today, that means we ask you to vote NO on HB139, but we understand
that other legislaCon like this will come before your commi=ee soon.
We understand that there are widespread frustraCons with the current populaCon condiCons of
some of Montana’s most iconic fish and wildlife species, as well as with some of the policies, processes,
and procedures at the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department. We share some of these
frustraCons. However, we are commi=ed to ensuring that the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission
retains their ability to regulate the means and method of take for fish and wildlife species in the state.
The current Commission processes allow for changes to regulaCons and seasons on an annual
basis to respond to dynamic wildlife populaCons, regional variaCons in landscape and watershed
condiCons, and hunter pressure. Further, these bimonthly meeCngs facilitate regular public input from a
wide range of stakeholders, including the professional biologists at the FWP who appear Cme and again
to present the best available science on each rulemaking effort. Given the legislature only meets for 90
days every other year, se`ng seasons and specific regulaCons in statute reduce our collecCve ability to
respond to emergent threats and capitalize on opportuniCes.
We look forward to working with you over the course of this 69th session of the Montana
legislature to address your concerns in ways that facilitate adapCve management of our state’s fish and
wildlife resources.
Yours in ConservaCon,
Anaconda Sportsman’s Club
Delta Waterfowl
Ducks Unlimited
Boone and Crocke= Club
Flathead Wildlife Inc.
GallaCn Wildlife AssociaCon
InternaConal Hunter EducaCon AssociaCon-USA
Laurel Rod and Gun Club
Montana Chapter of the NaConal Wild Turkey FederaCon
Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Montana ConservaCon Society
Montana OuOi=ers & Guides AssociaCon
Montana Stockgrowers AssociaCon
Montana Trout Unlimited
Montana Union Sportsmen Alliance
Montana Wildlife FederaCon
Montana Wild Sheep FoundaCon
Mule Deer FoundaCon
NaConal Deer AssociaCon
Pheasants Forever
Pope & Young Club
Property and Environment Research Center
Quail Forever
Safari Club InternaConal
Theodore Roosevelt ConservaCon Partnership
Trout Unlimited
Rocky Mountain Elk FoundaCon
Whitetails Unlimited
Wild Sheep FoundaCon
CC: Montana Senate Fish & Game Commi=ee
Montana House Fish, Wildlife, & Parks Commi=ee
Why would a bill intended to block potential implementation of one single portion of an unfinished proposal provoke such opposition from conservation groups? Was it because all those groups support the language in our sportsman proposal? Hardly. Even though I would be beyond ecstatic for our proposal to have such support, these groups responded to a much more serious concern than our proposal.
Currently, this bill sits awaiting executive committee action for continued movement towards becoming law or being tabled.
As most folks on here are aware, I am one of nine authors of a proposal to restructure current general season regulations that we plan to ask the FWP commission to include for consideration during the public scoping meetings leading up to the 26/27 season setting at the end of 2025. Currently, this proposal is on its 2nd draft as we consider input from individuals and sportsmen’s groups and conservation organizations. In other words it is not yet complete and formally introduced into the season setting process.
Admittedly, there are parts of our proposal that are controversial among the Montana hunting community. Those of us authoring the proposal have a strong belief that there is a compelling biological, ethical, and quality hunting opportunity case to be made for those controversial portions of our proposal, but recognize that the will of Montana hunters and natural resource stakeholders is incredibly important in any decisions that the commission makes regarding seasons that affect all of us.
What connection does our proposal have to HB-139 and why should you care, you may ask?
In his introduction of HB-139 to the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee this past Tuesday, Representative Hinkle specifically singled out our drafting and public release of our proposal as the impetus of his bill that would change the Montana statute giving the Montana FWP Commission the authority to govern season lengths, bag limits, closures, etc.
Video of House FWP Committee meeting.
The changes included in HB-139 would specifically prohibit MT FWP from making changes to mule deer hunting in the following manner.
“ a.) The commission may not close the hunting of mule deer bucks during the general hunting season:
i. In more than 20% of hunting districts in the state in a given season.
ii. for more than 2 years within a 6 year period in any one hunting district;or
iii. In any hunting district prior to November 6.
(b.) This subsection (10) does not apply to any district restriction on mule deer buck hunting that was in place prior to December 1, 2024.”
HB-139’s proposed inclusion of that specific language into MCA 87-1-304 triggered an opposition letter from nearly 30 state and national conservation organizations that Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation rep Charlie Booher presented to the committee during the hearing.
Here is their letter of opposition.
*** Anaconda Sportsman’s Club *** Delta Waterfowl *** Ducks Unlimited *** Boone and Crocke= Club
*** Flathead Wildlife Inc. *** GallaCn Wildlife AssociaCon *** InternaConal Hunter EducaCon
AssociaCon-USA *** Laurel Rod and Gun Club *** Montana Chapter of the NaConal Wild Turkey
FederaCon *** Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society *** Montana ConservaCon Society ***
Montana OuOi=ers & Guides AssociaCon *** Montana Stockgrowers AssociaCon *** Montana Trout
Unlimited *** Montana Union Sportsmen Alliance *** Montana Wildlife FederaCon *** Montana Wild
Sheep FoundaCon *** Mule Deer FoundaCon *** NaConal Deer AssociaCon *** Pheasants Forever ***
Pope & Young Club *** Property and Environment Research Center *** Quail Forever *** Safari Club
InternaConal *** Theodore Roosevelt ConservaCon Partnership *** Trout Unlimited *** Rocky
Mountain Elk FoundaCon *** Whitetails Unlimited *** Wild Sheep FoundaCon ***
Sen. Denley Loge, Chair
Senate Fish & Game Commi=ee
Rep. Jedediah Hinkle, Chair
House Fish, Wildlife, & Parks Commi=ee
1301 E 6th Ave
1301 E 6th Ave
Helena, MT 59601
Helena, MT 59601
January 14, 2025
Re: Sportsman, Landowner, OuOi=er, & Producer OpposiCon to Se`ng HunCng Seasons in Statute
Dear Chair Loge & Chair Hinkle:
We write to express our shared opposiCon to se`ng hunCng, fishing, and trapping seasons in
the Montana Code Annotated. Today, that means we ask you to vote NO on HB139, but we understand
that other legislaCon like this will come before your commi=ee soon.
We understand that there are widespread frustraCons with the current populaCon condiCons of
some of Montana’s most iconic fish and wildlife species, as well as with some of the policies, processes,
and procedures at the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department. We share some of these
frustraCons. However, we are commi=ed to ensuring that the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission
retains their ability to regulate the means and method of take for fish and wildlife species in the state.
The current Commission processes allow for changes to regulaCons and seasons on an annual
basis to respond to dynamic wildlife populaCons, regional variaCons in landscape and watershed
condiCons, and hunter pressure. Further, these bimonthly meeCngs facilitate regular public input from a
wide range of stakeholders, including the professional biologists at the FWP who appear Cme and again
to present the best available science on each rulemaking effort. Given the legislature only meets for 90
days every other year, se`ng seasons and specific regulaCons in statute reduce our collecCve ability to
respond to emergent threats and capitalize on opportuniCes.
We look forward to working with you over the course of this 69th session of the Montana
legislature to address your concerns in ways that facilitate adapCve management of our state’s fish and
wildlife resources.
Yours in ConservaCon,
Anaconda Sportsman’s Club
Delta Waterfowl
Ducks Unlimited
Boone and Crocke= Club
Flathead Wildlife Inc.
GallaCn Wildlife AssociaCon
InternaConal Hunter EducaCon AssociaCon-USA
Laurel Rod and Gun Club
Montana Chapter of the NaConal Wild Turkey FederaCon
Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Montana ConservaCon Society
Montana OuOi=ers & Guides AssociaCon
Montana Stockgrowers AssociaCon
Montana Trout Unlimited
Montana Union Sportsmen Alliance
Montana Wildlife FederaCon
Montana Wild Sheep FoundaCon
Mule Deer FoundaCon
NaConal Deer AssociaCon
Pheasants Forever
Pope & Young Club
Property and Environment Research Center
Quail Forever
Safari Club InternaConal
Theodore Roosevelt ConservaCon Partnership
Trout Unlimited
Rocky Mountain Elk FoundaCon
Whitetails Unlimited
Wild Sheep FoundaCon
CC: Montana Senate Fish & Game Commi=ee
Montana House Fish, Wildlife, & Parks Commi=ee
Why would a bill intended to block potential implementation of one single portion of an unfinished proposal provoke such opposition from conservation groups? Was it because all those groups support the language in our sportsman proposal? Hardly. Even though I would be beyond ecstatic for our proposal to have such support, these groups responded to a much more serious concern than our proposal.
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