Well here we go again, back in the planning stages of a hunt. We spent 2 weeks in Montana in September archery hunting but got our butts kicked. We put 11 days in the field and put over 80 miles on our feet. Unfortunately the only elk we saw were herded up on private ground. Now we need to decide if we are going to go back for rifle and if so, where. From all of the reading and research I have done it certainly doesn't look promising. We have never rifle hunted Montana before but it sounds like a zoo. I keep telling myself that it cant be worse than the Wyoming 0 to 1 pt antelope unit my daughter and I hunted last year but I may be wrong. I was able to get us on goats though and we both shot decent bucks. My question is did any of you find yourself questioning whether or not to take the trip like I am. If so, did you go and was it worth it? Thanks all and be safe out there.