
Montana Elk Question

Stop thinking you have to get 8 to 10 miles in and your choices will become much easier.
'Good advice. From a practical perspective of the Crazy Mountains, if you hike that far east or west into the Crazies from trailheads, you will be at the top of a 10,000 ft mountain of solid rock or you will be over the top on the opposite very steep downslope side. In the Bob you will be in the Wilderness, but not too far ... just far enough that if successful you'll wish you had pack animals to retrieve game and camping gear.
You'd have an awesome archery hunt in the Crazies.I don't know about rifle there.If you go in 2-3 miles in the crazies you'll be all alone.I did think I saw the some of the best elk populations are down by Dillion.You might want to look out that way.I think the links you were given should be studied hard
My experience last year was it was next to impossible getting away from people in the Crazies during archery. No better way to ruin a hunt, no less a thousand dollar tag, than running into spike camps 3 miles in a handful of times. We pulled anchor on day 5 of a 10 day hunt and headed for greener pastures...and yes those pastures were greener.
My experience last year was it was next to impossible getting away from people in the Crazies during archery. No better way to ruin a hunt, no less a thousand dollar tag, than running into spike camps 3 miles in a handful of times. We pulled anchor on day 5 of a 10 day hunt and headed for greener pastures...and yes those pastures were greener.

Pressure is a fickle thing and can change like the wind. Yesterday's utopia can be tomorrow's nightmare.

Make sure you have options and are flexible.
Hunting pressure can work in your favor . Some of my best deer and 2 cow elk have been spooked to me by other hunters
People get all hung up on the crazies reading stats.

If you're not looking for a bull over 300" find Dillon on a map and go ANY direction until you hit national forest.

Pressure will be variable. That's just something you'll have to sort out. Elk everywhere.
Actually you can hit the Dillon Dairy Queen, get your blizzard, and drive about four miles SE. You'll see hundreds of elk hiding in the hay circles south of the Blacktail Road.
My experience in the Crazies was a lot different.There were a ton of trucks at parking lot with camps there but not any deep in.When I got there on the 15th the parking lot was empty.We came out a week later and looked like the fair was in town with all the trucks,but we only saw a handful of guys.Some guys I know that live/hunt there have said the pressure is getting higher(thank Eastmans),but they are still pulling elk out of there
I'm planning a hunting trip this fall for primarily elk, but also mule deer and least importantly bear. I've been looking up harvest reports for elk in Montana, I also ordered maps that show the public land. I was going to put in for a general combo licence. I was looking at units 312, 315, 390, 580, 314, and also 150. We were going to hunt the beginning of rifle season. I know 150 is a back country hunt where I think rifle season starts in September. I'm leaning towards 150 for a few reasons but it is such a huge area and we are backpacking in so I'll be honest I wouldn't even know where to begin. I'm not looking for specifics, just which unit would be best for trophy quality and hunting pressure. Also are spotting scopes useful in those areas or just binoculars. I've always hunted Wyoming this is my first trip to montana. I'm willing to trade info for where I hunt in Wyoming if it matters to anyone.

Raghorn just wanted to clarify that 630 is a limited draw tag that gets split between two other limited draw permits 631-20 and 632-20. When I was working with the data this escaped my recognition. When a hunt district gets covered by a tag with a different number, I need to be more careful. Any breaks tags are going to be limited draw.

Send me a private message and we can talk more about some good places you might want to check out.
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