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Montana Elk Permit Results...

Yeah I got the permit and points are pending. I'm not expecting anything. Maybe in 20 years I'll be able to,harvest that Elkhorns bull.
No Elk permit for me or my pops! Knowing I will have a MT general elk tag in my pocket this September is still a damn good feeling :)
Had zero elk points going into the draw and still have zero elk points. Does say I have a an elk permit on my list of items. Not sure what to make of that. Expected to draw my second choice archery tag.
Wow, I cant swing a dead cat around without drawing a breaks rifle bull permit...second one in 4 years.

Just clean living I guess.
8 points for elk now and no breaks tag. I think I need to burn the points and get back to archery hunting the breaks. Put the kids in for another area and no love for them either.
Hunting partners both drew bull tags on a party tag 339...Didn't put in with them, because I think the party tag thing is BS...Damn me. They even bugged me to put in with them...Oh well I guess I will go find my elk calls and sell my bow.
Anyone wanna trade!? I sure ain't planning to use this unlimited 345 tag! lol Crap happens when you party naked I guess. Can't draw the 900 tag 2nd choice every year.
No great rifle tag for me. I do have some unfinished business with a bull I found last fall. I sure hope he made it through the winter and comes back to the same area. Still can't get him out of my mind.