Caribou Gear Tarp

Montana Earthquake


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north
Anyone else feel the rumbling from last nights earthquake? I thought it was just my upstairs neighbors being loud at first, but when I stood up I could feel the whole place moving! Being from Nodak I know how to deal with tornadoes, flooding, blizzards, severe windchills, but no one ever told me what to do during an earthquake :D
Being from Cali, earthquake central, I have this advice... find someone curvy and make the most of it. ;)
Ha!Ha! Mojave gives great advice.. the only other thing I can add is to grab your butt with both hands and don't stand too close to any brick walls...

I felt the quake. It wasn't too bad. At first I thought it was just a bad burrito from lunch.
We felt it in Salmon, ID...well I didnt because I was in my truck driving at the time but a lot of people around town felt it
Alright, in case of an earthquake, drop cover and hold. It is taught in the schools up here, mainly because we are in earthquake territory. Basically, get under something sturdy (table, desk, permanent interior door frame), get low to the ground and hold on until the shaking stops. After the shaking stops, you can go outside, but always be ready for an aftershock.
We had a shaker up here about 4 or 5 years ago, it was about a 6.8, and at my school, everybody prettymcuh forgot about "drop cover and hold". I was a genius and just got close to the floor, by the wall i was standing near, underneath a air flow pipe thing, and my school was made of bricks.
I was sitting in the mess tent in a fire camp when it went off...

At first I looked at the ground to see why my chair was feeling mushy, glanced up at the lights and knew what was up...

It sloshed my coffee onto the table a bit... that kinda ticked me off, but I soon got over it... :)