Montana D & E this week??

I was correct in being disappointed.. oh well . Maybe next years my year to jump through 2 hoops to get 1 permit ..... overall can’t complain our group went 4/5 on bg combos . Waiting on permits for 3 of them
man that sucks azz knowing were you are sitting on points.
Well they must be going through permits as I just moved from successful combo to unsuccessful. I assume since I requested a refund if not drawn for a permit. On hunter search
Will be interesting to see the numbers . Seems like lots of folks denied on deer combo with 1 point . So far I might be only one that’s chimed in with 1 point denied on bg combo . Maybe more folks went deer combo instead of bg
I know of 2 other groups with 1 pt that didn't draw BG either
Honestly wouldn’t have hunted deer . Trying to draw a bull permit but in your state we gotta go through another draw first to even get entered into the permit draw ... it’s a great system
Honestly wouldn’t have hunted deer . Trying to draw a bull permit but in your state we gotta go through another draw first to even get entered into the permit draw ... it’s a great system
At least we allow you the chance to hunt elk here.

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