Montana Block Management Stamp?


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
Montana Sportsmen's Alliance is soliciting comments on the prospects of legislation that would start a "Block Management Stamp" for sportsman that wish to use Block lands. We are flying this notice around the net to see if we can get some feed back.
It's not MSA's bill but we are working with Rep. Flynn on some of the leg work here.

You mean they want resident hunters to help start paying for block management to?I think it's a great idea and may help obtaining more land,or is it because they are selling less NR tags and need the $$ to pay existing landowners enrolled.The residents of Montana have the best license deals in the country.How much are they asking for the stamp?I would pay when I return again.It just seems like Montana hunters are use to NR carrying the load so I wonder how this will go over
SS - Do you have further info on the proposal?

I'd be for such a stamp BUT only at a reasonable fee (what that is, I don't know) AND the stamp goes 100% towards Block Management program (not a slush fund for FWP).

Thanks for working towards securing hunting for the "common person" for years to come.
I think it is a good idea. The only deal breaker for me would be how it is worded on where the money goes? As long as it goes to block management or permanent easements for public hunting then I am all for it.

MT resident hunter ;-)
Not to be critical of block management but these land owners are already getting payment.
My question is would this be double dipping or a general fund for block managemen. I have a lot of mixed feelings about block management from what I've seen.
I'm would be in favor of it assuming all the money is allocated directly to the program as others have said. I look forward to hearing more about this.
Here is the email that MSA sent out.

Rep. Kelly Flynn has a potential bill draft that would create a “Block Management Stamp”. The specifics have not yet been finalized but initially he is thinking that it would be an opt out program so that those not wishing to hunt on Block Management Areas (BMA’s) would not be charged any fee. Those wishing to hunt on BMA’s would be required to purchase the stamp. The cost of the stamp has yet to be determined but Rep. Flynn is thinking $25 per person. He is also trying to find out how best to handle youths, would it be free for them or 50% of adults or ? This stamp would be required of both residents and non-residents hunting on BMA’s.

All monies raised would go into the Habitat Enhancement account.

Rep. Flynn has asked us to seek comments/thoughts on this potential bill. Please respond to these specific questions:

1. Would you support the creation of a Block Management Stamp?
2. Is $25 an acceptable amount? If not, what would you suggest?
3. What, if any, cost should there be for youths 12-17 years of age?
4. Do you support the funds raised going to the Habitat Enhancement Fund? If not, where would you like to see it go?

It is a very good thing when a legislator asks our opinion prior to the bill draft being finalized. This is an important topic and your replies are important! Please feel free to share this with others.

Montana Sportsmen Alliance Leadership Group (MSA)
I think a stamp like this to help supplement the BMA fund would be a great idea as long as it is reasonable. I'd happily contribute, if as mentioned, the money all goes to the BMA fund and not a slush fund. Maybe it would be enough to enroll some more acres into the program too.
How exactly is BM currently being funded?

Originally, Block Management was funded by the Outfitter Sponsored licenses, which were variable priced based on market demand. The additional monies from this were used to fund Block Management.

Since I-161, that money is gone, and now it is funded from the sale of the NR elk and deer licenses.

Years ago, Montanans had to buy a use stamp for state lands. An access fee was tacked onto the license fees and the separate stamp was eliminated. In a way, this seems like it is reinventing the wheel..

I fully support the Block Management Program, but in a way every hunter in Montana benefits. Even if you don't directly use the Block Management Program, it is giving hunters more options and therefore reducing competition on public lands. If you don't think hunters will drive clear across the state to hunt, think again. The more area you can provide to distribute hunters, the better off everyone is.

I have mixed feelings on a specific stamp. I think you could get more bang for your buck and not have to worry about compliance by simply adding an additional access fee on a conservation license and earmarking the money for Block Management.
I have no plans on hunting in Montana, but think it's a great idea if it is used properly, as mentioned by most respondents here so far. I don't feel like $25 is asking too much and maybe youth rates should be half that. JLS did make an excellent point though that I hadn't thought much about until reading his post. I wish there was something like that in Wyoming that specifically went to induce more acreage into the WIHA and HMA programs there. Right now I'd bet that a large percentage of people using them pay little or nothing into the Access Yes Program because it's a voluntary program with a very low percentage of overall hunters donating anything meaningful into it.
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How exactly is BM currently being funded?

Mostly through NR license fees. A couple of bucks comes from each resident.

I think at least 1/2 of the money could be set aside to fund more, and better pieces of block.

A portion could be funneled into "Habitat Montana Fund"
Curious as to why residents would find it OK to double dip on the NR.We pay for your block management with crazy license fees.Maybe just raise your license fees $20 and forget the stamp.I agree with the poster that mentioned how it spreads hunters out by having the access.If someones too cheap to pay 20-25 bucks then that's more people on state ground.Don't give them that option,just raise license costs to residents by $20 and earmark that extra money towards BM only.Whats the present cost of resident sportsman licenses now?I thought they were $50 but that was years ago.Not sure Montana can afford to keep giving it to the NR hunter and expect to sell more licenses.
Absolutely NOT!!!!
In my mind the block Management program is just one step from FEE hunting. I'm paying to hunt or get access to land I already own.!!!!!
I almost NEVER hunt block, I discourage the hunting on Block !
90% of the time the only reason the block has ANT hunting opportunity is the fact there is a ton of state and fed land in the BMA.
I will fight any attempt to make me get an stamp to hunt in the crap areas they allow way to many people to hunt what little game that's left on a BMA!!!!!!
Just my take.:BLEEP::BLEEP:
If Kelly Flynn is involved I wont support the stamp.

The fees and the more general licences go up the more we are heade for fee hunting and we don't need Montana to be like Texas. We already are having a decrease in hunter recruitment and FWP can't manage the game numbers we have know.
The reason we're having a decrease in hunter recruitment is because the #1 issue isn't being addressed.

Ask a fisherman if they like fishing in the kitchen sink.
I like the idea and would support it.

Would it ever be possible to have a program like this where the funds were used 100% to open up existing landlocked public land? Like if a landowner wanted to, pay him a certain amount of money to create a permanent easement to cross a small piece of his land or put in a trail that would allow access to public lands?
As a NR, I could support a BM stamp. I wouldn't mind paying $5 or $10 bucks. Even $25 bucks isn't bad when you look at it separately as only $25. But its getting harder and harder on me to look at the 4 figure sum the FWP charges me each spring when I put my app in for the Combo tag and for the permits I have yet to draw.

Most of my friends and family got priced out with the tag increase a few years ago, but I love hunting MT too much to let it go. So I continue purchasing tags, but every dollar over $1,000 hurts a little more. So I do not know if I could agree with a $25 increase.

Like I said, $25 isn't much, but it may be enough to break the proverbial NR camels back when you add it to all of the other fees. Just my .02 cents.

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