Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Montana antelope draw results

Read your regulations. MTG
It states, in the Montana regulations, that the draw will be early August. Last few yrs. has been second week or so. This, is what I am getting at. The regulations are also online.
Also, please reread my previous comment. It stated I believe it will be late. Late? Yes! MTG
I think it was actually the first week of August the last few years; it was 8/3 last year. I do read the regs, probably more often than is healthy. Not sure how anything I said implied otherwise.
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I drew one time and couldn't make the trip. Hope you draw man really pulling for you

I got back to Hunting after my divorce about 10 years ago when I lived in Oregon, they have antelope so I started buying points but it takes like 15 years to get a tag and then I moved here. So now my excitement to hunt them has raised just a bit ! Ha hah ….so if not this year I should get one next year it’s just the waiting game and the excitement of the possibility this year