Montana 2025 Legislative Session

Aint through yet, this still has to go back to the floor for another reading. We have heard from several that voted to reconsider but will stay a "no" on the actual bill. I don't understand the logic behind that but it's their words not mine.

Who changed votes?
Reminder - its pretty easy to testify remotely. It likely takes less time than even one of your posts here, and does a lot more good.

The sniveling crowd who feels its govt over reach to fill out a harvest survey after hunting is loud outside of HT. If you want HB564 and decent data on whats going on with the resource on the landscape - please testify and/or contact your legislator.

Also - please show up/write the committee about HB519, repealing 635 from last session.

635 - is bad legislation and repealing it will be good for everyone.

Also - please show up/write the committee about HB519, repealing 635 from last session.

635 - is bad legislation and repealing it will be good for everyone.
So, why is 635 such a bad bill?
Montana SB381

A bill to direct the state to identify and declare suitable the sale of undeveloped and accessible State Lands for homesteading purposes when they are less than 100 contiguous acres.

The state land I goof off on around here is all on parcels more than 100 acres in size, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are some gems out there
Montana SB381

A bill to direct the state to identify and declare suitable the sale of undeveloped and accessible State Lands for homesteading purposes when they are less than 100 contiguous acres.

The state land I goof off on around here is all on parcels more than 100 acres in size, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are some gems out there
Someone must have one picked out they want
Mandatory reporting gets brought up on here all the time. Today is your opportunity to support it.
