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monster puma guys

I have gotten 2 emails claiming that cat was shot just out side of Fort Worth TX. But they are claiming it weighs 250 pounds. It makes you wonder how these stories get twisted. You would think if they were going to B.S. They would be a little more realistic.
Well Dale T, I know where the guy holding that cat lives and its several thousand miles from Texas (well, nearly two anyhow). It was killed near North Bend Ray. Lotta cats in that country nowadays, very few deer.
According to what B&C website has on the cat it was killed within six miles of bellevue wash. Unofficially tied for 7th place all-time at 15 12/16.
Being that close to Bellvue, it was probably liveing high on cats and dogs!!!
Funny thing, this morning I got an email from a friend back in Washington. It had a picture of this cat and it said the cat was "12 feet long from tip of nose to tip of tail and 307 pounds"

DAMN!!!!!!! I guess it wasn't from Texas or Washington, it was from AFRICA!

Thats by far the biggest skulled cat killed in Western Washington. That country has NEVER produced cats with heads like that.
Exactly what Horn seeker said. It's pretty simple math to figure out the thing isn't from Texas. The winters are too mild and the game is too small for it to ever need to get that big around here. Usually big bodies have to do with deep snow, large prey or both.
We killed it near my home in Washington state. Exact Location will reamin undisclosed! I'm surprised you all have not said it was a fake photo. About half the emails I get claim it to be a hoax or trick photography.

All I can say to that is Nope! It's real and the photo shown was taken in my shop. Way too mnay people have been here and seen it and know of my other lion trophies to doubt it. But the best form of congradulations I could receive is the fact that its to big to be real. I guess thats as good a compliment as is possible!
Casey might just be a good excuse to go change those drawers. HAHA

By the way....when are you going to have my up there at your place for some moose and bear hunting?

Hows the new little one doing?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-07-2003 15:04: Message edited by: Scott S ]</font>
JJ Hack :
That looks like old three fingers to me!

You can bullshit a bullshitter but you can't bullshit me!!
That particular cat has a lot of history behind it as it so happens I,ve got his other two!
Thought you might find this funny, or maybe not too. I got an e-mail today with the following text, along with the picture above attached. FWIW, I replied to the e-mail with your story above.


This is a true story !
This mountain lion was shot near the town of Leon, Kansas. Leon is a bedroom town just east
of the city of Wichita, Kansas. This guy was going deer hunting when he heard his neighbors
cows making noises. He discovered this cat attacking some calves. He shot it and reportedly
the cat jumped eight feet into the air, ran about 100 yards and died. The man in the picture is
over 6 feet tall and the cat weighed over 200 pounds. Don't believe I would want to meet one
of these in a dark alley.
Let's see the Kansas Fish & Game laugh this one off.
And with all of the pets that people Free Range the country side with, the prey wouldn't have to be large because of the volume of it all...
I had a customer that I killed a bunch of trees for in Carnation that was telling me of a bright clear morning, he was sitting on his back porch, which was a huge cedar deck. He was enjoying a cup of morning coffee reading the paper when he noticed a movement in front of him.
He looked up in time to see the big cat leaping over the other side of his deck and looking on the deck where his little kick me dog had been only moments before, noticed it was gone... :eek:
He was really disturbed because it could very easily have been one of his grand kids sitting in the same spot the dog had just been...
Makes me think twice bout jumping in bushes after them before I see, by the way only happened once, but great pic, look nice stuffed in living room by the door to scare company huh?!
Hey Chaser, what were you doing in Carnation?

I went to high school in Carnation, grew up in Duvall.

The last funny story I got with this picture attached was something like this.....

A guy in Fall City heard his two big Bull Mastiffs go taking off the front porch and into the woods around his house. SHortly thereafter, one came back wimpering. Then, he went into the woods, only to see this giant cat carrying the 175 pound bull mastiff off (that is realistic). He went and got a gun and buddies and tracked it down and shot it. The guy in the pic is over 6 feet tall and the lion weighed 289 pounds!

Hehehehe. JJ and I both wish we were over 6 foot, but unfortunately, it is not to be!
I was raised in Woodinville....
Lived in Monroe for a bunch of years and graduated Bothell High...
Had a tree service out there for a lot of years, raping and plundering our natural resources for personal proffit... ;)
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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