Money and finance books


Jan 12, 2012
Baker MT
Anyone have any books they suggest? I have come to realize it would be wise for me to educate myself more in the money and finance area so looking for good suggestions if you know of any. Thanks
Several wise, smart and seasoned financial minded folk around here that will chime in, I am not up to date.
Don't spend what you don't have. Get a financial advisor, mine is through Northwestern Mutual. Good investments with any amount of money you want to save/invest.
I wouldn't buy any books. You can find out everything for free on the web. Do a search for financial planning or beginning financial planning or something along those lines and read up for free. Also find something specific to your age/income level since that will be a huge factor in what/when/how much you should save/be putting aside.
I would recommend the automatic millionaire by David Bach. It is a fairly quick read. Maybe 3 hours or so and I think is an excellent book for someone new to the subject. Rich dad poor dad is also pretty good too.
Thanks for the suggestions so far. I am not really totally new to finances as I have reviewed many publications and am already saving and planning. Just looking for further ideas and ways to grow my money and the best route to take. Thanks again
The Richest Man in Babylon. An old fable that describes a wealthy man in ancient Babylon, and what he did to achieve his wealth. Most of the principles apply today, and it's a short, entertaining read.

Living by some of the principles espoused in this book allows me to hunt Alaska almost every year! :)
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Poor Charlie's Almanac, Charles T. Munger

The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham

Read, re-read, and then read them again.
Be sure to watch a documentary on Bernard Madoff, that was
good investment viewing for what to look out for!

Spread your investments, have realistic expectations, study
sectors and market trends, have a plan in place and don't let
emotions control your buying and selling decisions. Percentages
either gains or losses tell you where you are at.
Read the Automatic Millionaire last night. Good read and a few good tips. Mostly follows what I am already doing so made sense to me. Gonna look at the Total Money Makeover.
money and finance

I don't know if you are looking to learn basic financial theory or investment advice. If you are looking for investment ideas I would recomend reading Investors Bussiness Daily and any of the books the publisher, Willian J O'Neil has written. He is big on technical analysis whereas I am more a fan of fundamental analysis but I find his viewpoints interesting and useful. I like the paper a lot better than the WSJ and have read it every day for well over 15 years. The paper has a lot of good information and if you subscribe you also get access to their website which has a lot of good tools available.
I do this for a living. The Richest Man in Babylon is far reaching and worthy of a read. Basic, but profound.

Aside from that, Investing for Dummies, is excellent, and not just for dummies.

Lastly, ask smart people you trust for a referral to a qualifed financial advisor. Your CPA, your attorney, your rich uncle Bob, etc. Look the person up on the FINRA website and make sure they are legit. Stay with the big name firms.
Read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kyosaki. Filter out some of his BS and embellished stories and find the valuable lesson of book.......Buy assets (i.e stuff that will make you money without actually costing you work.) Think rental properties, storage units, stocks, dividends etc. Obviously, all req a little work, but you get the point.
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