Moms backyard


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
This was last Sept, and she says that there are 4 or 5 coming back this year. I was going to put it in the deep freeze last year but Mom kept mumbling something about dis-owning me and inheritance. I'm going up to visit this week-end taking the cameras along.
Looks like the same buck to me. He is a dandy. Where abouts does mom live. ;) I am not too far from Lethbridge and would love to do a hunt up there. :D
mtmiller Mom's back yard is 40 miles west of Calgary in the edge of Kananaskis country. These are the only 2 deer we saw this week-end, however she says the big one is back also. They never have mice or squirrel problems either this bobcat's been hanging around since they got back this spring.


Sweet cat, but where is the head on that deer. :confused: Strange background, leaves different colors and everything looks like some optical illusion. I think mom needs a new bird feeder as well. Maybe it is one of those Canadian deer feeders. ;)
That picture stresses my brain bigtime! I cannot figure it out!!!??

Cool cat though, here's one of the last bobcats I saw up close. Guy hit it right square in the nose with a recurve at about 50 feet, straight up through a tiny shooting lane in the branches!

Just so you don't think I poached the head off that deer here it is just before it got around the other side of the bush. To small to head hunt.
Powder.... NICE Buck man !!!!!

Alberta eh ? HUMmmmmm We might have to talk

Thanx for Sharing the Pictures, Even though they Are on webshots and I have to Cut and Paste the link.. DAM that place anyways :(
I swear they look like the same buck to me. Very nice though. I'd have me a stand in the yard somewhere.
SJ thats the same big buck. The fence poles behind it are the start of public forestry and I've spent many a day back there and called in quite a few muley does and had smaller bucks come along but the big guys disappear.
I only see one pic and it is the one with the arrow in the cats nose..Nice kill, way to go!
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