
Moga Contols Board of Outfitters


May 24, 2012
Moga continues to stick it to the public.

Just thought you folks should know what has been up with the Mont. Board of Outfitters (Boo).

After telling MSA that their legislative agenda was benign, Moga(Mt. Outfitters and Guides Assn)
used every opportunity to further their self serving interests and the Public be damned. They campaigned against Robin Cunningham’s reappointment to Boo. Robin was a fair chairman and worked with all, as was his job. After 10 1/2 years on the board, mostly as chair (elected by the board), Moga decided he had a conflict of interest and paraded their board members into the legislature to attack his character. It was certainly one of the most blatant character assassinations we have seen at the legislature. Moga’s deception was wrong, shameful, and self serving but ultimately successful.

Jean Johnson, their lobbyist, was busy at her usual total lack of honesty. Lots of self serving legislation like SB 264 to reduce the Boo to licensing only….no oversight, no record keeping, etc. The Governor vetoed and included language about the importance of record keeping and sharing data with managers and law enforcement. The Boo has thumbed their nose at the Gov. and the public in passing a rule pkg that includes no record keeping (names of clients, what, when, and where critters are harvested).

The Outfitters Assistant was a bill passed in 2012 I believe. There was significant abuse and no oversight, so MSA put forth a bill adding sideboards. Originally, the OA was a method to allow outfitters to hire, in an emergency, a person with no experience and no first aid and had little for sideboards. The outfitters were required to notify the client that the guide was an OA and if he/she had 1st aid or not (thanks to lobbying by MSA). There has never been any kind of compliance check. MSA’s bill HB 289 included a definition of “emergency”. Moga members fought tooth and nail to kill the bill, then to remove that definition or water it down. When the bill advanced to committee, we found Jean had manipulated the bill, then told the sponsor and the chair of House F&G that all had agreed to her amendment. Jean was left to stew in her dishonest mess. Her amendment did not pass.

Now Moga is pushing the Boo to adopt very vague rule pkgs so there are few sideboards to emergency. They are also pushing for including late season booking as an “emergency” thereby qualifying outfitters to use an OA. Another dandy is pushing for a one time only hands on first aid requirement. They would be allowed to take an online course forever after. Public be damned.

The Boo is now totally dysfunctional. Moga controls the vote. Don’t expect anything for the public as is their charge. We have advocated for training of this board in their primary charge….the health, welfare, and safety of the public. Even tho Moga bills itself as savior of the non-resident sportsmen, the only time they look out for the NR is when it involves their pocket book! Moga is most certainly one of the worst enemies of sportsmen both res. and NR. It is interesting to note that the leadership of Moga is made up of wealthy non-natives who come here because they love Montana but then proceed to try to change it to their model.

If any of this bother you, perhaps it is time to bring it up to NR friends and relatives coming here to hunt with outfitters. Are they being told about OA and if they have first aid? Are they told as early as possible so that they might look elsewhere?

We would urge you folks to let the Boo know we are unhappy and demand the public be served. There are 3 public members and 4 outfitters on Boo. Perhaps we need a level mix? Anyone want to volunteer for a seat on Boo?

Please comment on the rule pkgs, the lack of attention to the “public”, the lack of functionality of the Boo, lack of record keeping, and a need for training. Contact: [email protected]

Thanks, Joe. MOGA has always looked out for themselves, very self serving organization. Jean Johnson is no friend of resident hunters.
If all the board of outfitters did were to address internal outfitter issue then the present system would be OK, But they don't and the Board of outfitters needs way more sportsmen input than exist now
Joe, nice spin.

Robin was not a "fair chairman, who worked with all". He was about as biased toward hunting outfitters as an individual could be. You liked him and feel bad on account that Robin carried the charge for the Wildlife Federation and MSA against the hunting outfitter...end of story.

Why the hard-on over the Emergency Guide license? Are you really that concerned? Or is it just something to pick away at?

Why the hard-on over the record keeping? If the record keeping was something that I sat down with an FWP biologist and we looked at numbers and the harvest was used to actually BIOLOGICALLY Manage wildlife I would be leading the charge to see it done. But it wasn't that way. All a guide had to do was forget to write down a grouse harvested by a client and the outfitter was in danger of a citation....still wondering why we wanted rid of it? Are you mentally able to comprehend? Or is your ire so that it blinds?
That's funny. I've been documenting my field days for the better part of a decade and I'm not even making money off the public's wildlife.
MSA fights to protect the interests of the Resident Sportsmen. MOGA's mission is to promote Outfitters and non Resident use of our resource.

Just because of both organizations missions there's going to be conflicts arise. That's doesn't mean that we can't find common ground. That common ground has been not been easy as every time we (MSA) has reached out to MOGA to work with them we ended up getting defecation on our faces.

Eric, could you cite where Robin used his position as chair to ram through bad policy aimed at hurting the Outfitters? Please be specific on the issue and cite what he actually did personally.

Records of the Outfitters are more than just biological to us (the Resident sportsman). We have a right to know who is utilizing OUR resource, how many animals are harvested, where, and when, by who, and with what type of weapons should be reported. If that harvest was on leased lands? Public? Block Management? Montana Citizens should have the right to know how commercial operations are utilizing their resources.
Why the hard-on over the record keeping? If the record keeping was something that I sat down with an FWP biologist and we looked at numbers and the harvest was used to actually BIOLOGICALLY Manage wildlife I would be leading the charge to see it done. But it wasn't that way. All a guide had to do was forget to write down a grouse harvested by a client and the outfitter was in danger of a citation....still wondering why we wanted rid of it? Are you mentally able to comprehend? Or is your ire so that it blinds?

I've always been curious about this and I'm not taking sides here.

What's stopping you from doing this now with regional FWP staff, and why did MOGA want to eliminate this data, rather than ask the agency to work with them on refining and reforming before asking to eliminate?

I get working with any agency can be frustrating, but you & I have gone over some fertile ground over the years, leading me to believe that you do care about the resource and public hunting. Why did MOGA adopt a policy of elimination rather than coordination?
I guess that the elimination of it was in the best interest of the affected party. Other than that I don't have much of an answer, I have had very little to do legislatively with MOGA as of late, my time just does not allow.

Want to make it a mandatory report that is used by FWP biologists? I have no problem with making every single person(especially those who hunt public lands) have to report harvest. The public lands are the most important to begin managing, so there is something left for the next generation(s). If we keep allowing accessible lands to have an unchecked, unknown harvest what we will have in 10-20 years? I would help lead the charge(in much as my time would allow) to see harvest data used to set seasons, and quota's.
FWIW, I'd support mandatory reporting as well.

Thanks for the response Eric. Hope you guys have a banner season.
shoots, I'll try to get you some instances, there are many, but I have been at since 4 this morning, and have to leave to the Powder River tomorrow for a youth hunt that I donated to an organization, so may not get back to you until season is over. In order to have good examples I will need to talk with several different outfitters I know that served on the board with Mr. Cunningham and some that were in on board meetings he presided over.

Happy Hunting
Want to make it a mandatory report that is used by FWP biologists? I have no problem with making every single person(especially those who hunt public lands) have to report harvest. The public lands are the most important to begin managing, so there is something left for the next generation(s). If we keep allowing accessible lands to have an unchecked, unknown harvest what we will have in 10-20 years? I would help lead the charge(in much as my time would allow) to see harvest data used to set seasons, and quota's.

I've, We, have been promoting this for years. It just makes sense with all the BS that is used as Data.
You always go to a personal attack. I attend almost all Boo meetings and I WAS THERE! You can't cite issues with Robin but need to go back to Taber for instructions? It seems incredibly weak to me that you can argue but yet not cite one fact! Taber wasn't able to get his way all the time so Moga does the personal attack on Robin? Slimy as usual. You and many other outfitters are being manipulated and can't even keep up with what is fact and what is not. Your leaders are not being honest with you and your lobbyist isn't honest with anyone! This isn't a self advocacy board for Moga. Remember the public as in Public Trust? Robin Cunningham worked with all parties....Moga never does! Your reps' actions do not represent the charge of this board.
One of the most irritating things for sportsmen is outfitter arrogance. Not being willing to acknowledge the public wants info and needs protected from unethical outfitting practices. Always bad mouthing sportsmen. Closing access for the public. Whining for entitlements at the legislature. I could go on for hours naming names and issues if you'd prefer. Ever go through adjudications? Ever go thru non-routine applications? Moga's nest is far from honorable.
You can rest assured that MSA will be keeping a close eye on Boo and dishonesty at the legislature. So, go ahead and make it personal...without supporting evidence...You are upholding MOGA TRADITION.
How about sticking to the facts. MSA does indeed stand up for the resident hunters and anglers, no, MSA does not dislike non-residents! Unfortunately, MOGA has an inordinate amount of influence on the BOO, these are public trust critters, not MOGA's members critters, just saying. Why does MOGA always seem to be trying to circumvent situations where they should be transparent to the public? BOO is not a cheerleader for the wishes of MOGA. It seems as though the personal attacks emanating from MOGA happen anytime someone from the public disagrees with them.
joe, I can go back to Jack Billingsley and get him to cite instances. You are simply blinded by your hatred. Right now I simply do not have time to call him and get specifics. Hunting season is not over, and I tore my knee cap from the bottom tendon...cow related...that's how I spend my day off from guiding.,, now its surgery on Tuesday........
I have never attended a meeting where Billingsley attended. I call BS.
This would have been on the Board of Outfitters, the years were during the late 80's and early 90's, Jack served 2 6 yr. terms.

Jack and Robin got along fairly well, but Robin had 2 sets of rules, one for fishing outfitters and one for big game outfitters(particularly the private land outfitter). Robin manipulated meetings and had his own agenda and made it fit what he wanted. Many times the meeting agenda had to be revised prior to the meeting so it was not manipulated to what Robin wanted.
Sorry if you don't remember, but maybe this was ahead of you being there.
Before my time. I think Robin served 10 years as chair. Math doesn't add up. So you are believing something 2nd hand? I still call BS.
Then give Jack a call Joe....I talked with him the other day. Talked with John Wilkerson today, and he said Robin used the same antics when he was on the board. Need me to cite more?

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