Misconceptions [ minutemen]

any press is good press. You would not believe how little the rest of the country knows how lax the laws are upheld down there. The more that the country finds out good ot bad, it is all good. That is why a shooting or two will make Bush force the law to be upheld because he cannot force the US population from doing our rightful duty like our forefathers did.
Isnt Shrub just the best?

A national deficit through the roof...absolutely ZERO fiscal responsibility.

A war for no reason...and no legitimate reason found.

Bin Laden still plotting against the U.S.

Bigger government and an entire new branch of Government (homeland security).

A border that just about anyone with a sandwich a gallon of water and a pair of tennis shoes can get across.

Gas prices through the roof.

Foreign relations in the toilet.

Reductions in environmental laws and regulations.

Raised the levels of pollutants and toxins acceptable in drinking water.

The stripping of civil liberties via the patriot act.

In favor of the Assault Weapons Ban.

Pissed on his bible belt constituants in the Shiavo case.

Nothing like a good ol' republican to really back the people who put him in office...If you voted for Shrub, you've been suckered big-time.

My advice to the people who voted him into office...if he offers you some "special Kool-aid"...dont drink it.
No Hosee, I'm not following you around. I'm following cjcj around.

Buzz, you better stick to the topic or Hose B will slap your pee pee..

Buzz, you must be as frustrated with the political monopoly system as many voters seem to be. No way I see someone as passionate and decisive about their beliefs being a Kerry/Edwards supporter nor would I care to ride your ass if you were.

I've never voted for a president that I didnt write in...never had a choice worthy of my vote.

I just think its pretty darn funny that people didnt look into Bush and his background as Governor in Texas before blindly casting their ballots.

If they had...absolutely none of the things I listed would come as any surprise....

You are correct...I'm fed up with crooked politicians...ALL of them.

The thing that always amazes me is why Bush is even considered a republican...and an even bigger mystery is why any self-proclaimed "conservative" would ever have voted for him???

I think a decent argument could be made that CLINTON was more conservative than Bush...

I wonder if Republicans are starting to think their president has left them and their political party in the dust...????
I sincerely believe that many conservatives lost a great deal of confidence in
republican affiliation when Gingrich and the party cannabilized themselves after squandering their majority trying to 'outdirt' the Dems during the Clintion era. Have special interests finally gotten their hybrid wish or is it naive to doubt they've had it all along?

That being said, in reference to your write-in-vote, I think Ross Perot proved that a protest vote can be very effective.
Finally, someone that understands politics and isnt blinded by worn-out partisanship.

SI gets a breath of fresh air...
No Harley,
Good ideas and thoughts. It seems to me the biggest need is either voters become INDEPENDENT where they are willing to vote for the BEST candidate without regard to party affiliation or we get enough Parties that we no longer have a Two-party system, and then everybody would work for their minority party and the subsequent Coalition government.

AS it is right now, 80-90% of the voters aren't "in play", as they will only vote their party lines. This is what creates the arrogance of the Dubya Dynasty. Look at him putting Karen Hughes in a Diplomat role, Wolfowitz at the WorldBank, etc.. etc...

Sorry to burst your bubble...but could you explain how an Indepent has been blinded by partisanship? How can someone who hasnt voted party line be blinded by partisanship?

Oh, I see...anyone that cares about the environment and hunting must be a demorat, tree-hugging hippie...

Well, I do care about the environment, do care about wildlife, and most certainly care about hunting...all things that Shrub has pretty much crapped on for the last 4 years and will continue to crap on for the next 4.

So, have you been spoon-fed your mush by the Republican party today??? Are you about done drinking your kool-aid?
Favorite son appointees have always been the spoils of political battles JoseC, and there have been examples of good appontments who have breached party lines, albeit few.

In lieu of 'Dubya Dynasty arrogance', I see the arrogance of politics/special interests...translation: whomever happens to be in power...blind partisanship to me represents the hope that a citizen has that he can make a difference...instead of the reality that we are being offered 'two guys the system has chosen for us to pick from.'

All you guys on this post are smart people...with all the power and money that our system represents, change will be difficult to say the least.
That's quite a compliment coming from someone who IS 'blinded by worn-out partisanship' Buzz !

LMAO!!! That’s the best one I have seen all morning... Right on the money... :)

I will add a little to this to dispel the "fears" of Buzz....
I haven't seen any one on this board "against" the environment, as Buzz sees it.
I am actually thankful that there are those out there are those out there that are "fat assed" as he so likes to say. They have more of a tendency to stay out of those wild areas we both like to frequent. Imagine another million people walking into the back country, even if they were all 'one with the Earth', you would still be wall to wall camp sites, people, and trails every where... :)
I wouldn't say that BUZZ is one with the democrats as much as he is one against the republicans, and whether you want to admit it or not BUZZ with limited independant options that makes you a democrat or a non-voter.
Yeah, silly me...who wants clean air, clean drinking water, fiscal responsibility, abundant wildlife and habitat, etc. etc. etc.

I just want to wear a label of being a republican or a democrat...much more important than the real issues...in particular when trying to impress people on a hunting board.

Do you two dimwits really think before you type?

Heres a novel idea...try thinking on YOUR own instead of puking up info from the EIB network...

Oh, and Ten, please look up the definition of "independent"...you dont have a clue what you're yapping about...as usual.

Being an independent does not mean you have to vote for only people running as "independents"...it means you're a responsible voter who doesnt vote party lines.
Ten beers said, "What is the EIB network?"

Man, you just flat dont know much about anything do you?

Maybe you should crawl out of the bunker for some fresh air once in a while...
I know that there is TV/radio programing that is just plain garbage, and I don't listen to it if that is what your referring to. So, I take it you put a lot of faith in these garbage programs? I prefer to think for myself.
Bingo WH...it's his self aggrandizing 'Excellence In Broadcasting' coinage...but Rush is no worse than any of the liberal talking heads that have dominated CBS, NBC, and ABC for decades.
noharleyyet- I agree with most of what you say; but, putting Rush Limbaugh in with ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, etc just isn't right. They all lean but Rush is a drugged out wacko. I don't even think he believes half the stuff he says. He doesn't just exaggerate a little, he exaggerates A LOT.
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