Caribou Gear

Miller, say your sorry....

Man...I can still like this Safe Queen.


Somebody be sure to ssay something about a Pink Rifle...................
pig stick I'm right here, you miss me already? Keep up the entertainment this site was getting a little boring and you spice things up like a priest in a day care center.
Good call on your part,to holster rifle "advice".

People that "know" as much as you,had better be asking questions...NOT answering them.

I'd say it is refreshing,that someone has a clue.....................
I've the faculties to bat 100% and am not ashamed of it.

I see you're not ashamed of reiterating your stupidity and I find that more than a little funny. That's about 4:00AM,weeks prior to Season and of the Buck that Netted #2 All Time B&C.

You'll note a change in mannerisms of all Deer,with the transition from velvet to hard horns. I never was a velvet fan,so seldom kill velvet,despite Seasons which easily arrange same.

Let the men talk and take'll learn more than a little.....................
You ever venture out from the backyard? We've all seen the wide angle pics of your dumpster diving black bear, but I've yet to see you hang a pic of any critter worth gawking about. Maybe if the trash cans attracted goats and sheep you could have one of them too.
You've an uncanny knack to eschew rifle talk,upon a Thread dedicated to same.

Jealousy won't get you anywhere,nor will plagiarizing Field & Stream...but you pout marvelously. Undoubtedly,you've had much well founded practice..............
Deer do something different when they clean off the velvet? You're so smart, and no - don't be ashamed of knowing such advanced facts.

#2 all time.. Wow! - impressive like an African dik dik, even more so when you consider their distribution amounts to about the size of Rhode Island. My interest in runt deer, even that particular buck amount to what they rub their antlers on to make them orange. But I suppose.. if I were trapped on an island in the fall with nothing better to do, I'd collect a premium bonepile. I'd shoot them with a green 300 magnum.

Can you entertain us with some wisdom on impressive Alaskan animals? Moose, caribou, sheep, brown bear, etc.. If I were living in Alaska I would prioritize my hunting as such.
As I suspected. Maybe mama will let you have a few dollars to go on a real hunt this year.
I'm impressed with the abyssmal depths of your Geographic stupidity as well. Your 1st grade Teacher needs slapped in the face,as do your parents!

Have mentioned multiple times,that despite my great wisdom,I am unable to transfer IQ to you and that is a crying shame,for certain.

Does it hurt to be THAT stupid?!!?....................

Did you eat paint chips as a kid(or yesterday)?

You just go play in the potato field,where you can't get hurt.

Hey, & first grade teachers are off limits. Especially since we can't talk about your second grade teacher, or third, fourth, fifth...twelfth. GED proctors are free game though beotch!