Michigan Elk

Sep 30, 2015
Too far east
Woke up yesterday morning and to my surprise I drew an Early season cow elk tag. Can't wait to get after it this year. Anyone else here ever get drawn for a Michigan elk, or happen to tag along on a Michigan elk hunt? The elk brochure lists a few possible dates during the month of September, I was wondering if anyone knew if I was allowed to hunt all of those dates or am I assigned one 4 day block?
Spoke to the area biologist yesterday, very friendly and got some good info. Seems that the early cow hunt is not the cake walk everyone makes it out to be, which I'm happy with. Some years it's high success, and others can be tough to lay eyes on an elk, also with the start in late august there is the issue with potential heat, thick brush and a lot of bugs. I'll do a write up on this forum of how it all works out, trying to keep it all diy. Can't wait
Any of you Michigan guys have any desire to tag along on a New Mexico elk hunt, I am having s hard time finding someone to go. Oct 20-24 is the season 16e is the unit
Good job Slinger. As much money as I have donated to the Michigan Elk fund. I could have hired an outfitter somewhere. Good Job.

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