
Mi amigo Locohead's Colorado Ram


I don't know. I count 8 and I suspect there may be a first year ring where it has broomed off a bit. However, the Division of Wildlife gal that checked it in said it is 6-7. I am no expert, but the Division gal seemed really really REALLY unknowledgable. The bases are 14 1/2" and the horn lengths are 30". The spread is 20 5/8".

The older they get the shorter each new ring (I realize you know that). Check near the base of the skull in the picture. It seems to have a growth ring about an inch or less from his skull making it 8 in my opinion.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-07-2002 20:52: Message edited by: Locohead ]</font>
;) Thanks guys! I feel welcome here already. Lots of really funny and friendly folks here. I havn't posted a ton, but I have been reading my juevos off. Can you do that????

Speaking of juevos.. I actually skinned the juevos out of the scrotum on that critter. Man they are huge on those rams, about the size of billard balls , ATLEAST. I think once the pelt is tanned, I will have a really nice juevo glove if I put a draw string on it!!!!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-09-2002 22:58: Message edited by: Locohead ]</font>
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