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Messing up a wet dream - MTFWP big 3 draw

From the Helena IR

“Operator error inputting incorrect quotas was to blame, said Greg Lemon, FWP spokesman. Although the data is double-checked, the errors weren’t caught. The bureau’s staff realized the error on May 16 and put a block on the ability for successful applicants in the affected districts to purchase their license.

FWP said it would resolve the most-recent error as soon as possible. Once the system completes the corrections, the affected hunters will be notified by phone and email and their online MyFWP accounts will be updated. After that, successful applicants will be able to purchase their licenses.”
From the Helena IR

“Operator error inputting incorrect quotas was to blame, said Greg Lemon, FWP spokesman. Although the data is double-checked, the errors weren’t caught. The bureau’s staff realized the error on May 16 and put a block on the ability for successful applicants in the affected districts to purchase their license.

FWP said it would resolve the most-recent error as soon as possible. Once the system completes the corrections, the affected hunters will be notified by phone and email and their online MyFWP accounts will be updated. After that, successful applicants will be able to purchase their licenses.”
Can you imagin some of the words that are going to be used on that phone call!
I’d be asking for proof of my place in the draw. Would be interested to see what they would provide. Some of those ram hunters book hunts as soon as they are drawn with Lewton, Dog Creek etc.

How Hank still has a job is beyond me. He’s gotta be the most incompetent “leader” that I have ever seen. I have absolutely zero confidence in him or anything associated with his Department. Truly a complete clown show from the top down.
I don’t know. It almost seems like Montana hunters are being messed with.

There are so many ways to cross check both your inputs before you run your process, and your outputs before you turn the results loose to the public.

I haven’t been keeping track, but genuinely, have four of the last six (3 of 5?) draws had issues?
I'd be pretty upset if I drew a once in a lifetime tag to have someone call me and say oopsies, we made a mistake and you don't get your tag.

Imagine you're 70 years old and it's the last year you'll be able to physically do the hunt...

I didn't follow what happened last year, but is there grounds for a lawsuit against FWP at this rate? Or was there anything that came up from the last go around? This is extremely unprofessional and it honestly makes them look even more incompetent.
I didn't follow what happened last year, but is there grounds for a lawsuit against FWP at this rate? Or was there anything that came up from the last go around? This is extremely unprofessional and it honestly makes them look even more incompetent.
I thought the same question…. Idk who would lead the charge though.
Ok so just spit ballin here but what if…this is all a setup by a few fwp employees hired during Bullocks term, let’s call them the deep state, they were put there to make the next administration look bad. It’s an inside purposeful hit job. This seems like the most likely and plausible answer😂😂
"FWP staff are removing successful applicants based on their place in line in the original drawing"

Why in hell would anyone believe they know whos place in line is correct? The same incompetent system and employees manage both...
It’s worth noting this is the same agency that manages our wildlife.
Maybe the people saying to pump the brakes aren’t wrong.
Anxiously waiting to hear how this is because of the non-residents…
Umm New Jersey Greg? MTFWP has had issues for a long time. The fact that recently they can’t run a draw correctly is fascinating. The wildlife have suffered through democratic and Republican governors. There are less and less wildlife suffering every year regardless who is governor.
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