Laugh all you want that someone would mount a hen merganser. It might take a while, but the guy does great work. Got news last night it was done. I can't wait to get it shipped out and on the mantle at the cabin.
At one time I wanted mounts of a male and female of all of the ducks and many of the other game birds and local fish. Unfortunately I got into having many of my big game animals mounted and I have run out of wall space.
However I do have mounts of my best Northern pike, male graying, and male wood duck and pheasant.
It's a dream of mine to get a bird done by someone of the same quality as Birdman- I've seen a lot of waterfowl taxidermy, but he is consistently one of the best in the business. Brad's Birds is another that I've considered, especially since I grew up in that general area.
Great work. We refer all bird clients to a young chap in town who only does birds. He's very good. And he refers fur, euro, and fish clients to us. Works out well for everyone, especially clients. My daughter wanted to get some lessons from him and he's such a nice guy I'm sure he wouldn't say no. I convinced her no sense in wrecking a good thing. Anyway, she already has more business than she can handle.
Life's too short for crap taxidermy. I'm up to nine on waterfowl and all were done by Todd, Brad, or Shane Smith, except for the first couple I got when I was still in high school.