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Meet Grinnell, my Red-tailed Hawk

Loved your podcast on the rich outdoors . I researched a bunch of info on falconry. It is an amazing sport but very time consuming so I had a decision, falcons or kids. Well I will have to wait til they fly the coup to join you. Can’t wait to read about some Hunt s you go on with your falcons!!! Have you ever taken them hunting and they keep game that you were hoping to get for yourself? Have you raised any falcons or hawks from being a chick? Best of luck and thanks for sharing.

Thanks, I could talk about Grinnell and Falconry longer than most care to listen. It IS a lot of time and the commitment is huge, but it can be done in steps. Finding a local falconer and tagging along is a great way to do it without having a raptor. You'll learn so much and get to be in on action. Plus, no dealing with bird poop. Generally they won't just keep food; part of the training is in how they view you. You are not a threat like another raptor or coyote would be. So they don't fly off; the trade-off is an important moment and requires trust to be built. As for raising a chick or eyass, that's an entirely different ball game that I don't foresee me doing for a variety of issues. The exception I'd make is if I were able to acquire a gyrfalcon.
Very cool!! Before he stopped, I really enjoyed the "Falconry Friday" posts on another forum about a guy and his daughter detailing their falconry adventures.
very cool...I just picked up a GSP and hopefully will hunt with some falconry friends I have in the future.
I've had some inquiries so I'm posting a little update. Hawking season ended for us about a month ago and we now enter breeding season and the molt. Hormones ramp up and Grinnell can be difficult and erratic. So we don't train and I just give her space. Also, she's dropping feathers and growing in new ones. During this time she is eats to her fill everyday to have her weight as high as possible and get the nutrients she needs for growing string feathers. This is a very important and delicate time. As the feathers grow in id the get damaged or she is stressed, it can negatively affect strength and structure. Over the next couple of months she will drop and regrow all of her feathers. Then we can begin some refresher training sessions and start hunting, hopefully by August.

I can't believe I have not yet seen this thread. Wow! This is my favorite thread in all of HT. Fascinating! My favorite part of pheasant and grouse hunting is watching my dog work - but this takes hunting with an animal to a whole new level of cool!
I can't believe I have not yet seen this thread. Wow! This is my favorite thread in all of HT. Fascinating! My favorite part of pheasant and grouse hunting is watching my dog work - but this takes hunting with an animal to a whole new level of cool!
So my RT is built more like a linebacker, little slow but hits like a tank. Small game is more her speed.
I am on a list for a Peregrine next spring. She will have the speed for ducks and grouse. I'll find a video of one hitting a mallard. It's just incredible.
Was obcessed with Falconry throughout childhood and into my 20s. Like many others the fire was lit by watching My Side of the Mountain. Flew with several Master Falconers across our state. Made my own glove and jesses. Made a bunch of different hoods out of paper. Then life happened and I realized I did not have the discipline required to properly pursue this sport.

Much respect for your commitment, and many thanks for your posts.
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