Kenetrek Boots

Mearns Quail


New member
May 10, 2001
Im looking for help with Mearn's. I've never hunted them and would like to try in January 2010. I have bird dogs any info would be apprecitaed
Have you been out there chasing those elusive Mearns yet? If not let me know I might have some info that will steer you in the general direction that you need to go
Were leaving this Sunday Jan the 18th . I've never seen or hunted these little birds any info would be awesome. I would like to repay the favor with anything in Utah I could help
[email protected]
I just hunted 4 days for mearns last week... very dry and warmer than I ever recall hunting in January. Numbers are down, but we moved a covey every time we turned the dogs loose.

I'll trade you a mearns spot or two for Utah ptarmigan/chukar info... :D
Just typed out this message but don't think it sent... So here goes again
new to this forum, just joined so I could PM you about you mearns hunting this season. Sounds like this season is a slow one. Not much of a hatch due to lack of rain... But damn the torpedeos I'm coming because I am in love with those mearns and the Coranado terrain. I am a saltwater fly fishing/ light tackle guide in Florida and have come out to AZ for the last 2 years with limited sucess, apparently last year it would have been hard NOT to find birds, and we found a fewmy 3 yr old GSP is not world champion material but she is ok and a great friend.
Anyhow I am writing in hopes of a little help, and if you find yourself in Florida I would be happy to reciprocate. Last year I concentrated in the Duquesne rd area near kino springs and also south of Canaleo... Anyhow I have around 1000 miles behind me and some help with a couple of spot would sure make the remaining 450 melt away a little faster, it sore sounds like you have alot of experience if you put up mulitple covies a day, it sounds like I should be happy with one a day this year. Thank Billy I hope to hear from you
David Mangum

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