Kenetrek Boots

me... humping an elk.

Cool pics. Did you shoot that big white target hanging from the tree in that last pic? I would have.

Should have.. but no. Ate tenderloins last night and they weren't what I'd hoped.. lots of grinding for this one..

I have a picture of "Yetti's Revenge" that I'll paste when I get a minute. It sucked, to say the least.
Yetti's Revenge... over 100lbs of meat inside the pack - it's a 6500 cubic inch bag for a NICE frame. The last picture is my favorite -- a little more than 2 days after pulling the trigger..


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  • happiness.JPG
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Here's the other two trips..

all of the elk and my camp in these backpacks..


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  • Trip2.JPG
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Whats the gun Kurt? Caliber?
You are going to hurt yourself carrying that much weight! :DMakes me sore thinking about it. 85 ish for 4 hours 20 minutes in September tore me up...:eek:

I've got a NICE and Crewcab coming soon...looking forward to it!

Congrats on a great've stumbled into some nice freaks this year.
In a couple days, my 13 year old will be carrying a 7mm-08 on a bull hunt, good to see it is up to the task.

That is a great bull. Hope you can concentrate on deer, now that the dirty work is out of the way.

If this weather stays this warm, I don't expect too many elk to get toasted, unless guys are as crazy as you are, and are willing to hoof the wilderness areas and pack them out like that.

Congrats on another great public land bull.
Theres nothing I can say that someone hasn't already posted. Very impressed by you and your pack! I gotta get me one of those.....and one of those packs too ;)
Very nice!!! Glad I wasn't able to help you hump that thing out of there... ;)

You seem to name you freak pronhorns, what about this guy? 'Cheese Head'? ;)
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