Yeti GOBOX Collection

McKean getting pushed off FW Commission

I figure my layman understanding of filling in for another who vacated the seat is flawed as I'm sure this would've been addressed already. Someone able to explain how this works? Why wouldn't he be able to serve the term Brower was given?
I am not sure if he was confirmed from the time he was appointed to the time the new Governor took office. I may have this incorrect and hope someone else has better and a more solid reason.
I am not sure if he was confirmed from the time he was appointed to the time the new Governor took office. I may have this incorrect and hope someone else has better and a more solid reason.
@Sytes this is the way I understand it. Bullock appointed McKean but he wasn’t able to be confirmed by the Senate until the session and at this point there’s an unconfirmed seat on the commission. Gianforte could have chosen to let McKean move through the nomination process but he chose to go around that and nominate his own pick. Gianforte will most likely get 6 out of 7 picks on the commission by this time next year.
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I figure my layman understanding of filling in for another who vacated the seat is flawed as I'm sure this would've been addressed already. Someone able to explain how this works? Why wouldn't he be able to serve the term Brower was given?

Commissioners have to be approved by the Senate. Changing a Commissioner mid-term still needs senate approval.
Thanks for the answers all. What a pisser. I didn't realize the Executive branch could dismiss an active Legislative confirmation hearing, be it Gianforte or other past/future Governors.
Thanks for the answers all. What a pisser. I didn't realize the Executive branch could dismiss an active Legislative confirmation hearing, be it Gianforte or other past/future Governors.
The Legislative branch could tell GG to piss off being a separate but equal branch of government, but chances are they will do what ever Gianforte asks.
Montanans know that sound wildlife management is best conducted through the Fish and Wildlife Commission and we have a solid candidate in Andrew McKean. MWF is proud to support McKean to serve on the state Fish and Wildlife Commission and we need your help to get him confirmed.

Despite broad support from Montanans of all walks of life, we have received word that the Legislature will block the confirmation of Commissioner McKean for no apparent reason. McKean has already been serving as commissioner and has shown that his life experiences have worked well for the position.

McKean is known by many for quality outdoors journalism that takes on difficult issues, shows respect for public wildlife and for the role hunters and anglers play in conserving it, and recognizes the unique role landowners play as partners in providing habitat and access. He knows Montana well, and it shows in his writing and engagement in the sporting community. MWF hasn’t always agreed with McKean, nor has he always agreed with our organization’s position on key issues. However, we always found him to be fair, open-minded, and to listen to our perspectives.

The people who serve as commissioners learn quickly how passionate Montanans are about their fish and wildlife resources. We’re confident McKean would listen to everyone in making decisions that affect all Montanans. That is how we reach reasonable compromises that work to solve tough issues with wildlife, habitat, and access.

Please contact your local Senator and let them know that you want to be represented by a true public wildlife, hunter, and angler advocate in Commissioner McKean. Tell them to vote YES on SR 61 to confirm Andrew McKean.

PLEASE WRITE YOUR OWN MESSAGE. But you can hit these points: The Fish and Wildlife Commission should represent all Montanans, including public hunters and anglers. McKean is one of us and has shown incredible qualities to be an excellent commissioner. Montanans public hunters and anglers need a strong voice on the Commission. Please vote YES on SR 61.
McKean was just rejected in a "do not pass" recommendation in a party-line 7-4 by the Senate Fish and Wildlife Commission. His confirmation now goes to the full Senate.
There can't be a more pompous Senator in all of Helena right now than Bob Brown.
There can't be a more pompous Senator in all of Helena right now than Bob Brown.
Bob was the guy at our local FWP meeting advocating for continuing shoulder seasons because, “ I was over in one of the 500 units and we shot our cows in a day and a half and saw 600 elk. There’s plenty of elk.”
Bob was the guy at our local FWP meeting advocating for continuing shoulder seasons because, “ I was over in one of the 500 units and we shot our cows in a day and a half and saw 600 elk. There’s plenty of elk.”
Ya that dude is not getting far from the truck.