Yeti GOBOX Collection

Maybe 'Feature Realtime Hunts' in a new section???


New member
Apr 11, 2010
Moved this to here, since it's 'feedback' related;)?

I just spent an hour reading that great 2009 hunt with the realtime-posts on the bighorn sheep from last year, and noted if you hadnt bumped it forward yesterday; I'd have likely never read it?:(

I'm glad you did though, as these type-threads are my favorite part of this site!

.I dont know if you've thought of this before, but I'd suggest making an entire new Forum Section for these type older threads/posts' (keeping them where they are too), but maybe featuring them in a place all their own?.

Makes me think theres a whole lot more on here 'somewhere..?', but I wouldn't know how to begin finding them; besides reading 'all your old threads'??:confused:

- Just a thought for 'new guys' to play catch-up on all the great past hunts they missed on your excellent forum!?

I dont think there's another forum out there that has these type thread, or not as many; so would be beneficial I'd think to compile them and "feature" them upfront somewhere (easier to find)??

Just my .02

Every episode has these "As it happens in the field" threads, within the forum for that specific species. Might look into finding a way to post them in the "OYOA forum" also.

Thanks for the good idea.
I just added a forum section where all the "Live Hunts" are now copied. It is in the Big Game Section. I copied the ones where we were posting day by day threads as we were in the field. These are threads related to the show episodes.

Go here:

I am sure there are some from other guys, so feel free to copy them into the forum. I know Moosie used to do some day by day accounts, and I think there is a New Mexico deer hunt from a few years back that made Moosie and Company web superstars.
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