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Mask up on federal lands

Ok since this thread’s all over the place I’m taking a moment to gripe about my favorite local bbq place and “common sense”

it’s a single file line from the entryway to the counter where you order your food.
only enough room for 2-3 socially distanced people in the line inside of the restaurant regardless of how hot or cold it is outside.
The entryway is actually a double entryway.
you enter from outside into a 3’ by 3’ maybe 4’ by 4’ sealed glass room and then into restaurant.
I’ve prob been there 3-4 times throughout the pandemic and on each of those occasions both doors to the sealed glass room have remained closed.
Virtually every single person I’ve seen in that line uses the sealed glass room as a “staging room” and immediately, one after another they follow the leader into that SEALED GLASS ROOM, wait on pause for 3-5min and then enter the restaurant.
And I feel like everyone in line gives me dirty looks for keeping them out in the hot or cold too long. Because I refuse to wait in that glass room and prop the outside door open for as long as possible before entry.
Deposit ridiculous hyperbolic nonsense here.

In the alternative, we could rely on the text of the order.

Accordingly, to protect the Federal workforce and individuals interacting with the Federal workforce, and to ensure the continuity of Government services and activities, on-duty or on-site Federal employees, on-site Federal contractors, and other individuals in Federal buildings and on Federal lands should all wear masks, maintain physical distance, and adhere to other public health measures, as provided in CDC guidelines.

I guess I must be obtuse. The way I read the order it does seem like they are requiring people to wear a mask AND maintain physical distance AND adhere to other public health measures. The "as provided in CDC guidelines" is pretty ambiguous to me.

I am not an English major or a Lawyer so maybe I just am reading the commas wrong though.
to require compliance with CDC guidelines with respect to wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and other public health measures by: on-duty or on-site Federal employees; on-site Federal contractors; and all persons in Federal buildings or on Federal lands.

This seems a little clearer but still not 100%. Lots of commas and semi-colons for someone like me.
Ok since this thread’s all over the place I’m taking a moment to gripe about my favorite local bbq place and “common sense”

it’s a single file line from the entryway to the counter where you order your food.
only enough room for 2-3 socially distanced people in the line inside of the restaurant regardless of how hot or cold it is outside.
The entryway is actually a double entryway.
you enter from outside into a 3’ by 3’ maybe 4’ by 4’ sealed glass room and then into restaurant.
I’ve prob been there 3-4 times throughout the pandemic and on each of those occasions both doors to the sealed glass room have remained closed.
Virtually every single person I’ve seen in that line uses the sealed glass room as a “staging room” and immediately, one after another they follow the leader into that SEALED GLASS ROOM, wait on pause for 3-5min and then enter the restaurant.
And I feel like everyone in line gives me dirty looks for keeping them out in the hot or cold too long. Because I refuse to wait in that glass room and prop the outside door open for as long as possible before entry.
You sir are going to be remanded to the group W bench.....
The way I read the order it does seem like they are requiring people to wear a mask AND maintain physical distance AND adhere to other public health measures.
They are.

The "as provided in CDC guidelines" is pretty ambiguous to me.
Masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from others, or with other people who live in your household.
If you are outside, and away from others who are not part of your household, then per the CDC they aren't necessary.
It's not always a choice those people can make. They have mortgages and bills as well.

How are they paying those bills when they aren’t allowed to work in California? I don’t think you realize what’s going on down here and that’s ok not your fault. I don’t feel like listing all the types of business that have been shut down for months in my county/state, but off the top of my head it’s over 6. These business owners/employees aren’t 30 year old healthy people, they are old, weak, diabetic, etc as well and just want to work and take the risk on themselves. Luckily we are 2 months from recalling Newsom and hopefully all local politicians take note and change their stance before it gets any worse.
100 more day?
@wllm1313 didnt you say that the CDC or something handles these pandemics or outbreaks or something on a 400 and some day schedule or something?

how close are we to that date?
is the system working?
I think masks are here to stay. If masks and social distancing are responsible for the lack of flu anyway. A couple quotes from the WSJ article linked below.

"To keep the flu from returning stronger than ever, doctors said people would have to stick to some of the habits they have learned during Covid-19, including frequent hand-sanitizing and mask-wearing."

"The world once considered it unavoidable that hundreds of thousands of people would die each year of the flu, Dr. Mizutani said, but “we need to ask ourselves whether we are going to continue to allow it in the future.”

They are.

If you are outside, and away from others who are not part of your household, then per the CDC they aren't necessary.
"May not". That is different from "aren't". Lot's of interpretation needed the way it is written.
"May not". That is different from "aren't". Lot's of interpretation needed the way it is written.
You are correct. However, ambiguity in a rule typically favors the citizen.

My personal and honest OPINION is people are going all Chicken Little and making a mountain out of a mole hill. Anyone who really thinks the BLM ranger is going to be hiking around looking for folks not wearing a mask in the badlands is so far out in left field they can't see home plate.
Exactly, but I didn't need some old ass politician to order me to do it. And 99% of society doesn't need to be ordered to do it, but when alot of that 99% is ordered to do it....the problems start.
That hasn't been my experience. A stop at our local quickshop would almost always be a 50/50 split between mask wearers and non mask wearers. Big sign on the door says masks are required (are required by my state) and even some of the employees don't wear a mask. If we had 99% compliance rate with masks we wouldn't have over 400,000 dead like we do now.
My issue isn't that as a rule BLM or Forest Service LEO's are going to be hiking around looking for folks not wearing a mask, but that with the way things are written there may be one or two that take it upon themselves to do so. Much like the clips of cops running down the jogger on the empty beach who wasn't wearing a mask.
My issue isn't that as a rule BLM or Forest Service LEO's are going to be hiking around looking for folks not wearing a mask, but that with the way things are written there may be one or two that take it upon themselves to do so. Much like the clips of cops running down the jogger on the empty beach who wasn't wearing a mask.
To expand on this a little further, it says "may not be necessary". This is actually well thought out. If it says "are not necessary", then that is an absolute and every federal agency would be obligated to adhere to that.

As it is, the National Park Service could hypothetically require masks on an outdoor boardwalk in Yellowstone that has a parade of mouth breathers who are walking but maintaining a 6' distance. Probably not a bad idea.

Given how the order is written, unless there is a situational agency order such as the example I gave above, I'll bet you a case of beer right here that anyone who gets a ticket for not wearing a mask on BLM or USFS land that is away from other people, per CDC guidelines, will see their citation quickly dismissed.

Also, I'm guessing all federal LEOs will be given a high degree of direction in how to apply this. Will there be bad actors? Certainly, just like some jackass will openly defy the order to make a point.

I have no idea the context of the cops and jogger on the beach, so I can't even begin to speak to any relevancy.
Businesses going under due to a gov't issued mandate surrounding a pandemic either didn't go after PPP loans/grants or didn't have someone who was telling them about all of the aid out there for small businesses. Of course that aid lapsed under McConnel's rule in the senate, as more and more wealthy people figured out how to game the system,

signed, a middle class small business owner who votes for democracts.

I like your posts but think you missed the mark on this one. What are we up to 115,000 restaurants alone have closed since this began? PLENTY of other businesses have closed. PPP didn't save them and they are not all idiots. These are real people who have suffered tremendous economic (and personal harm) because of actions they didn't cause. Just sayin...
Make sure you wear a mask on your next hunting trip.

I’m guessing “in compliance with CDC guidance” is the kicker and that there’s no CDC guidance that says you should wear a mask alone, outdoors but who knows.
Biden has stated there will be a mask mandate on all Interstate highways. Really?
In case people want to know, the guidance from land management agency leadership today is that this primarily applies to Federal employees and visitors to buildings/facilities with crowds. You will likely be asked to put one on if you enter one of those. There is no directive to go enforce masks out on the landscape.

I like your posts but think you missed the mark on this one. What are we up to 115,000 restaurants alone have closed since this began? PLENTY of other businesses have closed. PPP didn't save them and they are not all idiots. These are real people who have suffered tremendous economic (and personal harm) because of actions they didn't cause. Just sayin...

Maybe they should have planned better. 2 years reserves, cash on hand, etc.

I'm being facetious, of course.
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