
Marine 1st Sergeant Brad Kasal:


New member
Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid

"Marine 1st Sergeant Brad Kasal (in the middle). This photo is from the most recent major offensive in Fallujah. 1stSgt Kasal sacrificed his own safety to save a room full of fellow Marines. He ended up taking several AK rounds in the leg. Most of his lower leg was blown away but you can't tell it from this pic. He took rounds in the back which his armor saved him from. He took one round through his butt which passed through both cheeks leaving 4 holes in him. And he also took the brunt of a grenade blast. He jumped on top of a younger Marine to cover him from the fire. He killed the enemy who did most of the damage to him and his men, and despite a massive loss of blood he never stopped fighting. Notice that he's still holding his pistol. He has been put in for the Medal of Honor for his actions on that day. He already has several Purple Hearts for previous battles throughout his career and he has turned some down so that he could stay with his unit."

Truely amazing men.
God, please watch over my Marines. I still have a lot of close friends over there. I'll bet my bud 1st Sgt. Knox knows this jarhead. It might sway the public, but I can guarandamtee, that this kinda stuff is what makes our servicemen, and women even more determined to succeed. I just wish the insurgents would come to grips with this and speed thier own way to the end!!
The left just can't seem to understand this type of behavior at all, it is absolutly forieng to put oneself in harms way to protect others.
(Said in a whiny tone) CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG... LMAO!!!
Great pic and great post, A picture say's a thousand words as it goes... Thanks.. :)
wow umm good marine there give him est my words umm man need more like em hope we win hope war over soon have our men woman back home god bless em all
I read that he's been nominated for the CMH. It certainly sounds like he deserves it.

Kind of makes you wonder about the "poor insurgent" who got capped as the Marines moved through. Wonder if he had any surprises in store.. They need to get one of their precious reporters shot by a "poor insurgent" and then maybe they'll change the tune..

Great story feclnogn, thanks for posting it. I am proud of all those serving.

The left just can't seem to understand this type of behavior at all, it is absolutly forieng to put oneself in harms way to protect others.

'chasr, you just keep me shaking my head. :rolleyes: :eek:
;) just call it as I see it Craig, nothing more ;)
I should say though, I should have stated the "Far Left" :)

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