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Marcus "The Public Land Llama"

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Some of you heard about this at the BHA Rendezvous. Leupold has decided they want to do something that raises awareness about public lands and they wanted to do it outside the normal message. Well, they have done that.

Leupold has partnered with onX to start a new public land campaign using Beau, one of his llamas (Marcus the Public Land Llama), and me, to tell stories about the public lands. Here is a link to the first story that explains where Beau takes people into the backcountry with his llamas to show them the public land experience. This one is in Capitol Reef National Park in Utah.

Link here - https://www.leupold.com/leupold-cor...tional-forest-w-marcus-the-public-lands-llama

Each story has some history about the land and how these lands are critical for many users. This fall we will be taking Marcus to places in Montana, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and who knows where else, to tell the story of how these lands we are hunting became public and tell the importance of these lands to hunters and all Americans.


I hope you will take the time to follow along with Beau on his YouTube channel. Link here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCSv__DpRxEa0XuBiU-4vVg

Thanks to Leupold and onX for this idea and asking us to be a part of it.
from the title I was envisioning Marcus the cameraman wearing some rig that allowed you to hook up two backpacks to him like a llama for all that camera gear.
Big Fin - Like I mentioned to you up at the Total Archery Challenge this past Friday, you should really get one of those "Be the Decoy" heads that looks like a Llama and have Marcus the camera-guy wear it in all the episodes where the real "Marcus-the-Llama" can't make it, so you can continue to bring the message forward! :)
I like this approach as expands the message outside of a hunting adventure. My wife will watch this as will my grown sons. They love the Nat Geo approach to showing an area where is a mix of on the ground shots showing the detail of the place and high above shots so understand the area.
How did Marcus (cameraman) feel about being the inspirational namesake for Marcus(public land llama)? Was it his looks or temperament? :)
How did Marcus (cameraman) feel about being the inspirational namesake for Marcus(public land llama)? Was it his looks or temperament? :)

I think he feels a little slighted that the Marcus namesake did not come from the camera guy. Marcus Leupold was the founder of the optics company, thus the name Leupold chose. But, we could get another one and call him Hockett.
Will there be/are there any Marcus the Public Lands Llama t-shirts available.

I’d also like to know how I can get my head into a Wilderness Ridge Trail Llamas cap!!!
Will there be/are there any Marcus the Public Lands Llama t-shirts available.

I’d also like to know how I can get my head into a Wilderness Ridge Trail Llamas cap!!!

T-shirts coming soon. Profits will go toward an RMEF access project yet to be identified.
What about me? Marcus, the public lands loving fat guy with a bad back who can't carry much gear, but loves Leupold optics!

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