Kenetrek Boots

Marcus & Kara - My favorite FT episode

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Since we started this gig in 2008, I've tried to explain ways that hunting connects us to land, which hopefully encourages us to advocate for the wild thing and wild places essential to hunting. Sometimes you can do it as a direct message, sometimes it is an indirect message.

Another story that parallels the landscape and conservation story is the food story. In all of our years of producing content, this episode with Kara and Marcus (Karcus) does the best job of telling that story. Nothing indirect about this story, making it even more compelling and impactful.

I am grateful for how hard Marcus and Kara work, their continual smiling faces in all conditions, and their commitment to an honest relationship with their food. Our company is lucky to have Marcus and his amazing film talents, made even more powerful by Kara's whit, charm, and leniency in letting Marcus film their journeys.

I hope you like this one as much as I do.

A really great story of a really great couple. This reflects the ultimate in positive healthy aspects of hunting, processing and consuming wild game, as well as the close and enduring companionship nurtured in enjoying a mutually satisfying pastime.

Thank-you for producing and sharing this important addition to the legacy of hunting, with such a refreshing personal perspective.
Had the privilege of meeting Marcus and Kara at archery league this winter. Class acts! and she would often bring tasty treats to share with the group. Looking forward to watching this one.
@Big Fin @MHMT
Rooms brighten when Kara walks in, some people have that power to lift the room and she is one of them.

Watch all the way to the last moment of the film. I’m glad that was left in, and not done over or more “polished”. WYSIWYG with Karcus.
One of my favorite episodes on FT even though Uncle Larry doesn’t make an appearance! I really enjoy when couples get out in the outdoors and enjoy it together. Those two are definitely class acts when it comes to their hunting adventures.
Great video - love how it was put together and the message and journey they are sharing. Keep up the amazing work!
Very good video and story. I couldn’t help but wonder while watching it how the extreme Vegan crowd are going to react to it. How many are warming up their keyboard fingers to send hateful messages verses opening their minds to other possibilities.
I couldn’t help but wonder while watching it how the extreme Vegan crowd are going to react to it. How many are warming up their keyboard fingers to send hateful messages verses opening their minds to other possibilities.
A few have. So, I just removed them from being able to comment on our channel.

People come to our platforms to get away from the BS, the doom, the whining, the confrontation. There's enough negative stuff in the world, that we don't need it polluting our platforms, including YouTube. So, as the channel administrator, I can block who is allowed to comment and I do that.
I enjoyed the show ... it offers a different train of thought and a perspective that has merit. To each their own.
Since we started this gig in 2008, I've tried to explain ways that hunting connects us to land, which hopefully encourages us to advocate for the wild thing and wild places essential to hunting. Sometimes you can do it as a direct message, sometimes it is an indirect message.

Another story that parallels the landscape and conservation story is the food story. In all of our years of producing content, this episode with Kara and Marcus (Karcus) does the best job of telling that story. Nothing indirect about this story, making it even more compelling and impactful.

I am grateful for how hard Marcus and Kara work, their continual smiling faces in all conditions, and their commitment to an honest relationship with their food. Our company is lucky to have Marcus and his amazing film talents, made even more powerful by Kara's whit, charm, and leniency in letting Marcus film their journeys.

I hope you like this one as much as I do.

My favorite video by far.
Love it. Incredibly positive and powerful representation of hunters. Gonna need a lot more media like this to weather the storm. Great work.

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