Caribou Gear Tarp

Male order sausage.

You people! What happened here was just use of a homophone. Words that have different meanings and spellings yet pronounced the same. There is nothing homo about homophones. Here is an example used in a sentence:

“When the OP bytes down on male sausage I hope it fills there mouth with pleasure.”

You see what I did there? “Male” as we now know should be spelled “mail”,“bytes”should have been “bites” and “there” spelled “their”.
Seriously, Molinari Salami from SF is the best Italian American Sausage I have had. I hunted with it and homemade cheese & bread for many years. I now order from the same store I bought from 35 years ago.
Seriously though, has anybody had this?
Does it taste more like venison you get from a processor and less like the greasy, oily beef stuff they sell on the end cap at Meijer?

My wife’s cousin made some last year with his deer. Using the high temp cheese matters, he says. They tasted good!

*edit, I realize now you’re looking to order.. he made them, not ordered.. my bad!
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only douglasR could make
Seriously though, has anybody had this?
Does it taste more like venison you get from a processor and less like the greasy, oily beef stuff they sell on the end cap at Meijer?

why would you buy farm raised elk, ever. An anathema to me to support turning wild critters into livestock. Find some ‘wild’ horse sausages.
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For the $$ you cant beat Trapper Johns Smoked sausage sticks. Excellent flavor w/o the greasiness. On amazon. Jerkys good too.
I recently went on a hunt and somebody brought an assortment of these products. They appear to be expensive but damn they are good beyond comprehension.

I recently went on a hunt and somebody brought an assortment of these products. They appear to be expensive but damn they are good beyond comprehension.

Did you get to sample the Chorizo? mtmuley

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