
Make a stand for public land - Iowa 2025

SJR 6, the bill to remove the constitutional amendment for Iowa's Water and Land Legacy was pulled from committee this morning. That means it is dead and cannot advance further for this session.
A couple of REALLY bad new bills are out.

SF 293 is a shameful proposal by Rep. Shipley to appropriate about $300k worth of Iowa's natural resources to the governor to be used to repay political favors. A marriage of commodification of wildlife and political corruption.
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This bill, now renumbered as SF 404 is growing legs. Lobbyists for IA Bowhunters Association and IA Sportsman’s Club have declared support, with no lobbyists opposed. It is on the full senate debate calendar.
I was in Des Moines 3 days last week and met with folks from DNR, Inhf, and Ccbs as well legislators and the consensus was that the utv bill was either being pulled or would not make the next funnel.
This bill is also advancing and on the House debate schedule, now renumbered as HF 473. There is also a note on the link explaining that the USFWS waived any potential loss of PR funds if the bill passes.
Ok, good to know. Any insight on why we’re so quick to shake hands with the devil on governor’s tags? Are people generally unaware of how corrupt these schemes are in Western States, or what?
Ok, good to know. Any insight on why we’re so quick to shake hands with the devil on governor’s tags? Are people generally unaware of how corrupt these schemes are in Western States, or what?
I think for the most part, yes, people are unaware of what’s going on in their own city, county or state let alone a state 700 miles away.