Make a stand for public land - Iowa 2025

I thought the state already won the right to repair against Deere.

Yesterday I just shelled out 4 figures to Deere for a repair that seems to be less than 100% effective. Grrrrrrr.
Also of interest was a bill in Kansas supported by pro ag groups that is to take deer tags away from NR landowners because it gives incentives to NR to buy land often times outbidding resident Kansas farmers. Hint Hint Iowa!
Struggling to understand how this could possible effect hunters?

Seems like something everyone should support. It would be like buying a new car and the car manufacturer not allowing any repair info or parts etc. to go to an independent shop, forcing ALL of your repairs to have to go back to the dealer.

One thing i'd like to see that I am hopeful of if this bill passes--prices coming down on used tractors. Farmers are paying much more than they used to for old tech they can fix themselves if needed.
Struggling to understand how this could possible effect hunters?

Seems like something everyone should support. It would be like buying a new car and the car manufacturer not allowing any repair info or parts etc. to go to an independent shop, forcing ALL of your repairs to have to go back to the dealer.

One thing i'd like to see that I am hopeful of if this bill passes--prices coming down on used tractors. Farmers are paying much more than they used to for old tech they can fix themselves if needed.
I’m all for being able to do your own repairs. I have a John Deere lawn tractor broke down right now because it needs a new pulley for the drive belt and I haven’t stopped at the dealer to get it.
Immediate Call to ACtion for SJR6 Act to Repeal the Outdoor Recreation and Trust Fund. There is a hearing on it Tomorrow 2/19/2025 at 11:30 a.m. a zoom link has also been posted. If you remember the Outdoor Recreation and trust fund was voted on in 2010 by the citizens of Iowa with 64% of the vote in favor to fund this fund through an increase in the sales tax. Now, they want to repeal the trust fund resolution, which has never been enacted because they refuse to do what the voters ask and instead use the money for property tax relief.

Meeting information.
Bill Title: A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa by repealing the natural resources and outdoor recreation trust fund, and dedicating a portion of state revenue from sales and use taxes imposed for the benefit of property tax relief.
Members: Bousselot-CH, Green, Staed
Date: 02/19/2025 11:30 AM
Location: Room G15

Capitol Room G15 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 4219 2013
Passcode: 048991


Why worry about laws when they just ignore them and do what they want? There are no consequences. Not in Iowa, not nationally. The rule of law is basically over.
In lesser news, the deer tags for NR landowners is dead, and replaced with HF 388 which changes the deer PP system to a 65/35 PP/random system.

Also, House natural resources committee passed the ATV’s on public land bill.
In lesser news, the deer tags for NR landowners is dead, and replaced with HF 388 which changes the deer PP system to a 65/35 PP/random system.

Also, House natural resources committee passed the ATV’s on public land bill.
It doesn’t appear that hf 388 changes the number of tags it just changes the draw to partially random. I don’t really care who gets the tag as long as they don’t issue more NR tags or do the guarantied to outfitters and NR landowners. I wonder if that will increase the number of people applying and in return up number of points it takes to draw some zones like 5 and 9?

As far as the atv bill goes, I’m not surprised. But living in a small town that is mostly weekend warriors who have numerous atvs and seeing them operate on the county roads there is going to be pure chaos on trails. I hope if they do pass this law they at least give the dnr authority to determine which trails are atv friendly and which ones are non motorized. As well as speed and size limits. Some of these atvs are bigger than my truck.
The hearing just finished with a packed room and foyer area in the capital building. They gave time for about 20 people to speak. Most were opposed to the resolution stating IWLL was voted on in 2010 and was never given the opportunity to be funded. A few persons who were opposed stated they were farmers and are faced with high property taxes and talked about the terraces, and cover crops and buffer strips they have put in being "Iowa's original Conservationist" out of their own pockets. 2 of the farmers speaking spoke about how the DNR bought their families land from their grandfather 20 or 30 years ago, before they were even born, and it has taken away farm land from them now. In the end, after about 65 minutes of talking, the leading democrat on the committee echoed the sentiment of many of the commenters on how IWLL was passed in 2010 by the people. The committee chair then went into a statement talking about property taxes and only mentioning that in 2017 we had the opportunity to change IWLL to pass but refused to bend on the formula that was voted on in 2010. He also said that Iowa has changed and the population has grown so this bill should be put in front of the voters again, even though it already was. He signed the resolution to move forward out of committee.

In my opinion more needed to be said about how Iowa has a surplus budget of 5 billion dollars already and that money could be used to alleviate property tax burdens. One commenter did say that the budget surplus would be enough to lower property taxes for up to 20 years.

Not my picture, but one that was texted to me standing in the hallway outside the conference room.

Laws do not apply to legislatures. The Big Red Machine continues to own and strangle Iowa. That will not change.

Sf 432 was introduced yesterday. Sf432 has to do with fencing and does not change Iowa fencing laws but how the DNR or County Conservation boards must pay for fencing issues. Iowa uses the right hand rule for fencing, which is basically if you meet in the exact middle of where your line fence is with your neighbor you are responsible for maintaining to your right. Sf432 requires the the DNR or County Conservation boards to use REAP funds to complete fencing repairs and would also require the DNR or CCB to directly pay the adjoining landowner if they did not believe the fence was fixed timely and adequately. Currently fencing is considered maintenance or construction and REAP funds are used for “special projects” or accumulated in an acquisition fund.

Personally owning about 1 mile of fence with the DNR as an adjoining landowner and working for a CCB I can say without a doubt that both are going above and beyond to fix fences timely and adequately when something is brought to attention. This bill is intended to deteriorate funds that could otherwise be used for acquisition or for improving other infrastructure while possibly lining landowners pockets if they choose to cry foul.
Last minute Sweeney comes through with a land acquisition bill. 2 identical bills in the house and senate will have hearings tomorrow! Ssb 1198 and hf 714 are identical bills to limit the dnr to acquiring land that is not at public auction and to pay a fair price from a willing seller.

Here’s a big News flash for some apparently, the DNR and CCB’s do not buy land from sellers who are not willing and they will not pay for land above market price. These knuckledraggers are wasting taxpayer dollars and time by introducing these junk bills that don’t change anything. Actually having personal experience with this it takes years of handshaking and back scratching to acquire a property for the public good and it has to be appraised by an approved appraiser of which there about 6 in the entire state.
