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Mag Na Port or muzzlebreak


New member
Feb 18, 2014
I get a lot of muzzle jump from my Browning Stalker 7MM Wsm. What is the good and the bad from a muzzlebreak and mag na port ?
Both are bad in my opinion. Deafening blast is no fun.

Make sure the stock fits you.

How tall are you, and is it factory stock?
Limbsaver makes rings you put on your barrel to help with muzzle jump and vibration. I use them and have noticed an improvement in my grouping.
Magna porting will help with muzzle lift but you essentially lose barrel length when doing it. A brake will reduce felt recoil better and you can thread it on and off. Both have overlapping qualities, audible increase being the biggest. Perhaps mercury plugs in the stock are an option, generally under the recoil pad.
Only shot targets so far off the bench ,but this rifle has more muzzle jump than anything I have shot befor.Fairly accurate though.
Sell it and buy a smaller gun. If you need a brake then you're shooting a gun that's too big for you.
If you are shooting the rifle accurately, the muzzle jump would seem to be a non-issue. I have a RUM that jumps a bit. Hasn't been a problem since I don't need to see impacts in a hunting scenario. mtmuley
The only reason I see for any type of muzzle break is on a timed competition gun where getting off 2 accurate rounds in less than a quarter of a second makes a difference.

On a hunting rifle, is muzzle “Jump” really the problem, or is it recoil ?

If "Jump" is really the problem, it is almost certainly a matter of stock design, or the way you are holding the rifle.
could try a suppressor,,less blast and less jump,,or is it not allowed over there
but have seen it used on cayote vids
THe actual decrease in muzzle "jump" and in felt recoil is greater with a muzzle break than it is with Magna-porting. There is also a loss in velocity with Magnaporting which negates the advantage of shooting a magnum round.
Thanks for all the info.I do not want to decrease the velocity ,that is why I wanted a 7MM WSM in the first place. thanks again .

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